Teller Report

Rada deputy spoke about Zelensky's fear of Kadyrov

12/28/2021, 12:15:21 AM

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky did not respond to the words of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, about Ukraine, as he may still be afraid of the politician, said the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Oleksiy Goncharenko.

We are talking about the statement of Ramzan Kadyrov about the need for Ukraine to join Russia if Zelensky continues to pursue an anti-Russian policy.

He also said that he himself would have “solved the Ukrainian issue” long ago, but an appropriate instruction is needed.

Rada Deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko, in turn, recalled that in Ukraine, only the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the country can now speak on the topic of international politics.

Goncharenko drew attention to the fact that officials did not comment on Kadyrov's statement in any way.

“They somehow have no time to answer Kadyrov.

Maybe Zelensky still has that fear there, he once apologized there (to Kadyrov -


), ”the Ukrainian deputy said in one of his videos on Youtube.

In 2020, the head of Chechnya demanded that the Ukrainian leader confirm his earlier apologies.

Thus, Kadyrov reacted to an excerpt from Zelensky's interview with journalist Dmitry Gordon.