Teller Report

New Israeli strike on Syrian port of Latakia

12/28/2021, 7:33:43 AM

Another Israeli strike took place on the port of Latakia in west-central Syria. According to a Syrian NGO, the attack caused significant damage and led to fires without warning.

New Israeli strike on Syrian port of Latakia

The container port of Latakia after the first Israeli strike on December 7, 2021. AFP - -

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1 min

Another Israeli strike took place on the port of Latakia in west-central Syria.

According to a Syrian NGO, the attack caused significant damage and resulted in fires without causing any casualties. 


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With our correspondent in Jerusalem,

Michel Paul

No official reaction on the Israeli side after this new attack.

Media in Israel points out that this is the second of its kind in less than a month.

On December 7, an air raid targeted an Iranian arms shipment in

the container port of Latakia


It was the first time that this port had been attacked by the Israeli army.

Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Syrian territory since the start of the civil war in 2011. The objectives targeted are mainly positions of forces supported by Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah, but also arms shipments.

According to the

Washington Post,

the Israeli air force attacked chemical weapons depots in Syria on at least two occasions.

Israel, military columnists note, rarely comments on strikes against its northern neighbor, but has repeatedly proclaimed that it will not allow Iran to expand its influence in Syria.

In an interview with the public broadcaster Kan,

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett

said of Iran: " 

We must speak little .. Above all, we must act!



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