Teller Report

"Fourteenth Five-Year" Medical Equipment Industry Development Plan Issuance and Deployment of 5 Special Actions

12/28/2021, 5:40:07 AM

China News Service, December 28. According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently, ten departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Health Commission jointly issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year" Medical Equipment Industry Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" has deployed 5 special

  China News Service, December 28. According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently, ten departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Health Commission jointly issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year" Medical Equipment Industry Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The "Plan" has deployed 5 special actions, including industrial basic research actions, key medical equipment supply capacity enhancement actions, high-end medical equipment application demonstration base construction actions, emergency medical rescue capabilities enhancement actions, and medical equipment industry and application standard systems improvement actions.

  The "Plan" pointed out that medical equipment refers to the sum of relevant hardware, software and integrated systems developed and applied to protect the lives and health of the people. Its development is related to the implementation of the healthy China strategy and the manufacturing power strategy, and it is related to emergencies. Equipment guarantee for public health incidents is related to the improvement of people's quality of life and well-being.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's medical equipment industry developed rapidly, the market scale was rapidly expanded, the manufacturing system was basically sound, the main body of the enterprise developed and the product technology level was rapidly improved, basically meeting the needs of my country's medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment, elderly care, chronic disease prevention and emergency rescue, etc. need.

  The "Plan" emphasizes the implementation of the strategic deployment of a healthy China and a strong manufacturing country, focusing on clinical needs and health protection, strengthening medical-industrial collaboration, advancing technological innovation, product innovation and service model innovation, upgrading the industrial base and modernizing the industrial chain, and promoting medical care The high-quality development of the equipment industry provides strong support for ensuring the safety and health of the people.

  The "Plan" proposes that by 2025, the medical equipment industry will have advanced advanced technology and the modernization of the industrial chain will be significantly improved, mainstream medical equipment will basically achieve effective supply, and the performance and quality of high-end medical equipment products will be significantly improved, which will initially form an impact on public health and medical health. The overall support capacity of the demand.

  The "Plan" puts forward key tasks during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, focusing on key development areas such as diagnostic and inspection equipment, treatment equipment, monitoring and life support equipment, Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment equipment, maternal and child health equipment, health care and rehabilitation equipment, and active implant intervention equipment.

  The first is to enhance the ability of technological innovation by strengthening the construction of basic industrial capacity, improving the modernization level of the industrial chain and supply chain, and improving the construction of industrial common technology platforms.

  The second is to enhance the effective supply capacity by strengthening original and leading medical equipment research, strengthening clinical application innovation research, and accelerating the development of intelligent medical equipment.

  The third is to enhance the international competitiveness by strengthening the cultivation of high-quality enterprises, promoting the development of industrial clusters, and improving the level of intelligent manufacturing of enterprises.

  The fourth is to promote the development of a new model of "5G + medical health", promote the integrated development of home communities and medical care, health care, and enhance emergency medical rescue capabilities to enhance all-round service capabilities.

  The fifth is to improve basic support capabilities through the establishment of a sound standard system, a sound safety protection system, and a sound industrial basic platform system.

  The "Plan" has deployed 5 special actions, including industrial basic research actions, key medical equipment supply capacity enhancement actions, high-end medical equipment application demonstration base construction actions, emergency medical rescue capacity enhancement actions, and medical equipment industry and application standard system improvement actions.

  The "Plan" clarifies the safeguard measures to promote the high-quality development of the medical equipment industry, proposes innovative support models, promotes promotion and application, strengthens talent cultivation, strengthens intellectual property protection, deepens open cooperation, and strengthens organizational coordination.

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