Teller Report

Started application for quarantine subsidy for small businesses... Until tomorrow 'single-even'

12/27/2021, 1:09:17 AM

The distribution of quarantine subsidies to small businesses who suffered damage from the government's COVID-19 quarantine measures started at 9 am today. The target of the support is small business owners and small businesses that opened before December 15 of this year, whose sales have decreased or are expected to decrease, and 1 million won is paid per company.

The payment of quarantine subsidies to small businesses affected by the government's COVID-19 quarantine measures started at 9 am today (27th).

The target of the support is small business owners and small businesses that opened before December 15 of this year, whose sales have decreased or are expected to decrease, and 1 million won is paid per company.

First of all, the government started the first payment to about 700,000 small businesses with limited business hours starting today.

They can apply immediately without any supporting documents.

You can apply for the quarantine subsidy on the dedicated website 'Small Business Prevention Support'.

For the first two days, an odd-even system applies.

About 350,000 small businesses with odd ending digits can apply today, and 351,000 even-numbered businesses can apply tomorrow.

From the 29th, you can apply regardless of odds or odds.

First-time recipients will receive a text message from the government.

In principle, payment is made on the same day to small business owners who received the text message and applied.

If you apply by 6pm, the funds will be credited to the requested account on the same day.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups has increased the number of transfers from 4 times a day to 5 times a day when paying the Hope Recovery Fund in the past.

However, for businesses with limited business hours that require confirmation of facilities by the local government and about 50,000 places, such as when a co-representative power of attorney is required, payment will be made after separate notice in the middle of next month.

Among small businesses that are not subject to business hours restrictions, such as travel and accommodation businesses, about 2 million people who have received Support Plus or Hope Recovery Fund will start paying quarantine subsidies on the 6th of next month.

The government plans to pay sequential payments to those who are not eligible after checking whether there is a decrease in sales after the middle of next month when taxation data are secured.

Detailed application criteria, application procedures, etc. can be found in the announcement of the small business quarantine subsidy on the website of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

From today, the government will also operate a call center for the quarantine subsidy for small businesses.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups said, "Recently, text messages are being sent randomly asking them to apply for support projects for small businesses such as quarantine subsidies under the guise of the government or public institutions. We do not include it, and we do not ask for credit information or app installation, so please be careful."

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