Teller Report

RBC: Russia entered the top five world leaders in the export of vaccines against COVID-19

12/27/2021, 10:45:26 PM

Russia has become a leader in the export of vaccines against coronavirus infection, follows from the data of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

According to RBC, at the end of November, the WTO and the IMF launched a joint project that is tracking data on the global trade in COVID-19 vaccines.

As of November 30, Russia ranks fifth in the ranking of world exporters of vaccines and in terms of production. 

The first place belongs to China (export of 1487.6 million doses of vaccines).

It is followed by the European Union (1366.8 million), India (72.8 million) and the United States (348 million doses).

The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev previously announced the supply of the Sputnik M coronavirus vaccine for adolescents to international markets.