Teller Report

Yen exchange rate Small price movement

12/21/2021, 10:49:09 AM

[NHK] On the 21st, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate moved slightly. On the 21st, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate moved slightly. The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 67 yen from 113.65 yen, which is 20 yen weaker and the dollar stronger than the 20th. With respect to the euro, the yen depreciated by 60 yen compared to the 20th, and the euro rose from 1 euro = 128.28 yen to 32 yen. The euro was 1 euro = 1.1287 to 89 dollars against th

On the 21st, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate moved slightly.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 67 yen from 113.65 yen, which is 20 yen weaker and the dollar stronger than the 20th.

With respect to the euro, the yen depreciated by 60 yen compared to the 20th, and the euro rose from 1 euro = 128.28 yen to 32 yen.

The euro was 1 euro = 1.1287 to 89 dollars against the dollar.

Market officials said, "As investors take risks aggressively in the Tokyo stock market and stock prices rise, there is a move to sell yen and buy dollars, which are considered to be relatively safe assets in the foreign exchange market. However, due to the spread of the new mutant virus, Omicron strain, behavioral restrictions were tightened mainly in Europe and the United States, and there was a deep-rooted sense of caution about the future of the global economy, and price movements were limited. " increase.

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