Teller Report

Wu Yuanzhi, Chairman and President of Yunnan Dayi Tea Group, a leading Pu'er tea company, passed away

12/21/2021, 9:12:54 PM

China News Service, Kunming, December 21 (Reporter Miao Chao) On the evening of the 20th, Dayi Tea’s official Weibo "Taetea" announced that Wu Yuanzhi, chairman and president of Yunnan Dayi Tea Group, had passed away. The picture shows the news released on the official Weibo of Dayi Tea "Taetea". Weibo screenshot   According to the news, Mr. Wu Yuanzhi, the leader and helm, chairman and presid

  China News Service, Kunming, December 21 (Reporter Miao Chao) On the evening of the 20th, Dayi Tea’s official Weibo "Taetea" announced that Wu Yuanzhi, chairman and president of Yunnan Dayi Tea Group, had passed away.

The picture shows the news released on the official Weibo of Dayi Tea "Taetea".

Weibo screenshot

  According to the news, Mr. Wu Yuanzhi, the leader and helm, chairman and president of Dayi Tea Group, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while living in Canada and passed away after rescue.

  At present, Dayi Tea Group has established a special committee to be fully responsible for operation and management. Production, operation, decision-making and other tasks have been carried out normally and steadily.

  It is understood that Yunnan Dayi Tea Group is a leading enterprise in the Pu'er tea industry.

In March of this year, the People's Government of Yunnan Province awarded Wu Yuanzhi, Chairman of Dayi Group Menghai Tea Co., Ltd., "The Third Yunnan Province Outstanding Contribution Award for Industrial Development".
