Teller Report

The State Administration for Market Regulation: next year will continue to carry out the management of enterprise-related charges indiscriminately

12/21/2021, 2:20:05 PM

China News Service, Beijing, December 21 (Reporter Liu Liang) The State Administration for Market Regulation of China held a special press conference on the 21st on "Governance of Corporate Fees and Reduced Corporate Burden".   Yuan Xilu, director of the Price Supervision and Competition Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, pointed out that this year, the international econ

  China News Service, Beijing, December 21 (Reporter Liu Liang) The State Administration for Market Regulation of China held a special press conference on the 21st on "Governance of Corporate Fees and Reduced Corporate Burden".

  Yuan Xilu, director of the Price Supervision and Competition Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, pointed out that this year, the international economic situation is complicated, the domestic economic development is facing challenges, and the business development is under pressure.

In this context, some arbitrary administrative fees and operating services will undoubtedly worsen the production, operation, survival and development of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and there is an urgent need to strengthen governance.

  Since the beginning of this year, the market supervision department has taken various measures to manage the issue of charges related to enterprises.

Up to now, a total of 98,900 charging units have been inspected by special inspections nationwide, and a total of 12.52 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) suspected of violating regulations has been found, and the entities that violate the regulations have been urged to voluntarily refund 5.446 billion yuan.

The country investigated and dealt with suspected illegal charges of 5.534 billion yuan in the field of water, electricity and heating, and the Hainan, Chongqing, and Shaanxi market supervision bureaus solved the difficulties and dug into clues.

The Shandong, Hubei, and Guangdong Market Supervision Bureaus, together with relevant parties, strengthened the supervision of commercial bank charges, and urged commercial banks to take the initiative to rectify and reimburse 140 million yuan, and take the initiative to reduce fees and reduce the burden on enterprises by 2.146 billion yuan.

  The inspection found that violations of charges in different areas vary.

Prominent problems of "enterprise-related charges" include: borrowing administrative power and administrative influence to "riding charge"; taking advantage of position to set up projects and self-reliant standards; taking advantage of special position to implement policy "discount"; taking advantage of information, it should be passed on by oneself The cost borne.

  Industry associations and chambers of commerce generally have the following charging problems: mandatory membership fees, mandatory fees for additional businesses, mandatory fees through affiliated companies, commendations and fees for compliance assessments and standards.

  The main problems found in the inspection of charges in the field of plumbing, electricity and heating include non-implementation of policy requirements; "wait-and-see delays" in implementing policies; arbitrary charges for "independent projects"; transfer of charges; use of dominant positions to "mandatory charges" and other issues.

The problems found in the transportation field include over-standard and over-range charges, repeated charges, only charges but no service, and non-implementation of fee reduction or exemption policies.

  The State Administration for Market Regulation said that next year, the governance of corporate fees will be an important focus for optimizing the business environment and reducing the burden on enterprises.
