Teller Report

Starting the implementation of the national value-added program on purchases of federal government agencies

12/21/2021, 10:49:09 PM

The Ministries of Industry and Advanced Technology and Finance announced the start of implementing the National Value Added Program on the purchases of all 45 federal government agencies, including ministries, federal authorities and institutions. This came during a media briefing organized in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of the Minister of State for

It includes 45 entities that include ministries, agencies and institutions

Starting the implementation of the national value-added program on purchases of federal government agencies

During a briefing organized in Abu Dhabi to announce the launch of the application.

From the source

The Ministries of Industry and Advanced Technology and Finance have announced the start of implementing the National Added Value Program on the purchases of all 45 federal government agencies, including ministries, federal agencies and institutions.

This came during a media briefing organized in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of the Minister of State for Financial Affairs, Muhammad bin Hadi Al Husseini, and the Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, followed by an introductory session on the mechanisms for implementing the program on all types of purchases (services and products) for all federal agencies. The event was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, Omar Suwain’ Al-Suwaidi, along with a number of officials and representatives of the two ministries and representatives of the media.


In a statement, Al-Husseini affirmed the commitment of the Ministry of Finance to support and implement all programs and projects that would enhance the country’s global competitiveness and achieve growth and sustainability of the economic system, noting that the National Added Value Program represents one of the priorities within the “fifty projects”, as it will constitute a lever to support the industrial sector, Upgrading its capabilities and enhancing its contribution to economic diversification efforts.

He said: "We have worked during the last period with our partners in the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the procedures that will be developed to implement the program, as we were keen to include the program's mechanisms in the federal government procurement policy and guide, so that the percentage of the national value added is calculated from the total amounts spent by suppliers within The state depends on the cost of manufacturing, local products and services, the volume of investment, and the appointment and qualification of national cadres.

Industrial sector

For his part, Al-Jaber said: “The National Value Added Program was launched at the federal level in 2021, and joining the program witnessed a great turnout from the largest institutions and companies in the country, which amounted to 13 entities so far, to benefit from the integrated strategy of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology and national programs Enabling and supportive.

He added that "the implementation of the program, in coordination and cooperation between the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and private sector institutions, will contribute to stimulating the growth of the industrial sector and enhancing its competitiveness as one of the priorities (the fifty projects), and achieving benefit for the industrial and productive sectors, thus enhancing the role of the industrial sector in supporting Economic diversification plans and preparation for the future”, pointing out that the National Added Value Program is a mainstay in supporting these national trends.

development and growth

Al Jaber stressed that the implementation of the National Value Added Program at the federal level contributes to developing the advantages of national products and services, giving them more space for development and growth, applying the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and advanced technology solutions, as well as providing sustainable solutions to the growing demand for highly efficient supply chains, pointing to This will reflect positively on the increase in demand for the products and services of Emirati companies and suppliers, promote the capabilities of these companies, and contribute to attracting more foreign investments to the industrial sector in the country.

top quality

In turn, the Assistant Undersecretary for the Industrial Development Sector at the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, Abdullah Al Shamsi, said that the National Added Value Program contributes to meeting the requirements of participating government and private agencies, enhancing their ability to reach their needs for services and products of the highest quality, as well as reducing challenges related to It also meets the growth needs of local suppliers and manufacturers by increasing the demand for the products and services of Emirati companies, promoting their capabilities and attracting more foreign investments to the country’s industrial sector.”

Purchasing Policy

In the same context, the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Financial Management Affairs at the Ministry of Finance, Maryam Muhammad Al-Amiri, confirmed that the Ministry of Finance implemented the requirements of the National Added Value Program, by amending the procurement policy in the federal government, and reversing the required amendments to the federal financial system to be applied to all Purchases.

She said that the digital procurement policy will achieve several goals, within the framework of supporting the National Added Value Program, particularly the program's guidelines.

Muhammad Al-Husseini:

• «The program constitutes a lever to support the industrial sector and enhance its contribution to economic diversification efforts».

Sultan Al Jaber:

• «The application of the program at the federal level contributes to developing the advantages of national products and services».

increasing of demands

The Assistant Undersecretary for the Industrial Development Sector at the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, Abdullah Al Shamsi, explained that the National Value Added Program will raise the demand for Emirati services and products from 33 billion dirhams currently to 55 billion dirhams by 2025, and this is accompanied by an increase in the number of approved suppliers to 7,300 companies. .

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