Teller Report

In the first 11 months, my country's comprehensive bonded zone imports and exports 5.24 trillion yuan

12/21/2021, 9:13:29 PM

Beijing, December 20th (Reporter Du Haitao) On December 20th, Beijing Daxing International Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Phase I) passed the field review by a joint inspection team composed of eight ministries and commissions including the General Administration of Customs, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance. , Formally passed the acceptance. Beijing

  Beijing, December 20th (Reporter Du Haitao) On December 20th, Beijing Daxing International Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Phase I) passed the field review by a joint inspection team composed of eight ministries and commissions including the General Administration of Customs, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance. , Formally passed the acceptance.

Beijing Customs will explore the establishment of an efficient customs clearance supervision model of “one system, one tally, one inspection, and one lift-off” in the zone, and fully promote the development of innovative business formats such as life and health industry, aviation security industry, and information technology in the comprehensive protection zone. Daxing Airport provides a new engine for the development of the airport area.

  The comprehensive bonded zone is the highland of my country's opening to the outside world.

In the first 11 months, my country's comprehensive bonded areas realized a total import and export value of 5.24 trillion yuan, of which exports were 2.86 trillion yuan and imports were 2.38 trillion yuan, an increase of 25.7%, 29.2% and 21.8% respectively.

Local customs have increased policy research and innovation, focusing on superimposing and integrating various policies in the comprehensive bonded area to promote the rapid development of enterprises in the comprehensive bonded area.

Shandong Weifang Comprehensive Bonded Zone focused on cultivating and expanding industries such as new energy and new materials. In the first three quarters, the import and export volume of foreign trade was 35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 255%.

Under the promotion of Hangzhou Customs, Zhejiang Jinhua Jinyi Comprehensive Bonded Zone has improved its food processing functions. This year, 3 new imported nut bonded processing enterprises have been added. The output value of bonded processing in the zone exceeded 700 million yuan in the first November.

  "People's Daily" (December 21, 2021 07 Edition)