Teller Report

Improve the level of large-scale and networked operation cold chain logistics is on the fast track of development

12/21/2021, 8:55:30 PM

Improve the scale development and network operation level of cold chain logistics Cold chain logistics is on the "fast lane" of development (Online China)   Our reporter Peng Xunwen   From Thai mangosteen, Chilean cherries, to northern Sichuan beef, southern Jiangxi navel orange... In recent years, a variety of high-quality fresh foods have been delivered directly to people's tables through col

Improve the scale development and network operation level of cold chain logistics

Cold chain logistics is on the "fast lane" of development (Online China)

  Our reporter Peng Xunwen

  From Thai mangosteen, Chilean cherries, to northern Sichuan beef, southern Jiangxi navel orange... In recent years, a variety of high-quality fresh foods have been delivered directly to people's tables through cold chain logistics.

The General Office of the State Council recently issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Cold Chain Logistics Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") to clarify the direction and path of high-quality cold chain logistics development.

Experts said that as China's first five-year plan in the field of cold chain logistics, the "Plan" makes a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the construction of a modern cold chain logistics system, and the cold chain logistics industry will enter a period of accelerated development.

The scale of the industry has expanded significantly

  Recently, with the arrival of the first batch of 1,200 tons of cherries shipped from Chile to China in Guangzhou, the cherries consumption season of JD Fresh Food Platform has entered a climax.

These high-quality cherries directly sourced from overseas are welcomed by consumers.

  It is not easy to transport Chilean cherries to China safely.

For this reason, JD Logistics has carried out the whole process of killing and cold chain transportation, and equipped the cherries with traceable "identity cards", and realized cold chain delivery to home in more than 300 cities across the country.

According to the relevant person in charge of JD Logistics, JD Logistics has opened up the production and sales network in recent years, and has provided many merchants with a full supply chain service of "direct delivery from the origin warehouse + cold chain trunk + terminal distribution"; at the same time, it jointly launched the "intelligent chain" The anti-counterfeiting traceability platform realizes the query and traceability of the whole cold chain circulation, so that consumers can buy with confidence.

  From production, warehousing, transportation to sales, the system engineering that keeps the goods in the specified low temperature environment is cold chain logistics.

In recent years, with the rapid growth of people's demand for high-quality consumption, the scale of the cold chain logistics industry has expanded significantly.

Data shows that in 2020, the national cold chain logistics market will exceed 380 billion yuan, with a cold storage capacity of nearly 180 million cubic meters, and the number of refrigerated trucks totaling about 287,000, which are 2.4 times, 2 times and 2.6 times that at the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. About times.

  In order to promote the high-quality development of cold chain logistics, the "Plan" proposes that by 2025, a cold chain logistics network that connects production areas and sales areas, covers urban and rural areas, and connects domestic and international networks will be initially formed.

The "Plan" focuses on systematic planning from three aspects. The first is to improve the network structure and build the "four horizontal and four vertical" 8 national cold chain logistics backbone channels, connecting the main agricultural production areas and 19 urban agglomerations to form internal and external connections. The national cold chain logistics backbone channel network.

Second, at the industry level, innovatively proposed the construction of a production and marketing cold chain distribution center.

The third is to create a new two-way cold chain logistics channel for consumer goods at the operational level to promote farmers' income increase and consumption upgrade.

  "The "Plan" points out a new direction for the future of China's cold chain logistics." Cui Zhongfu, Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, said that the "Plan" includes the national backbone cold chain logistics base and production and sales cold chain distribution center. As an important support for the modern cold chain logistics system, relying on "cold chain + smart equipment", "cold chain + big data", "cold chain + smart life", it is conducive to the formation of a new pattern of "cold chain +" industrial agglomeration; by strengthening intelligence The application of cold chain smart technology and equipment such as sorting and smart temperature control is conducive to improving the level of cold chain intelligence and making important contributions to achieving carbon peak and carbon neutral goals.

Technological innovation and upgrading

  In winter, in the flower shed of Baofeng Village, Kunyang Street, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, hydrangeas, roses and other flowers bloom beautifully.

A Hui, who has been in the flower business for 18 years, is leading his staff to quickly pack a bunch of flowers.

In order to extend the blooming period of the delicate hydrangeas, these flowers need to be treated at low temperature in the production warehouse of the Hema platform to make the flowers dormant and reduce breathing.

After 8 hours of low-temperature preservation treatment, these flowers will be transported by trunk line and delivered to Hema warehouses at a constant temperature of 8°C throughout the whole process.

  "In order to ensure quality, we have built a cold chain logistics network from the place of production to the whole country." Lv Linglin, head of procurement at Hema Garden, said that through technological and process innovation, Hema has now achieved daily direct harvesting of fresh flowers from Yunnan to the country. And straight hair.

  With the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, technological development has become an important driving force for the upgrading of the cold chain logistics industry.

The "Plan" proposes a digital development project for cold chain logistics, supports qualified logistics companies to carry out digital transformation and construction pilots, promotes the application of digital technology and equipment, digital management model innovation, and digital network collaboration; promotes the intelligent upgrade of cold chain infrastructure and promotes big data , Internet of Things, 5G, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other technologies are widely used in the field of cold chain logistics.

  In practice, relevant companies are also working hard to not only continuously improve the "cold environment" of goods, but also gradually straighten out the "chain system".

  On the one hand, environmental control is more intelligent and refined.

1 fully automatic forklift, 4 shift workers, 30 tons of frozen fresh French fries, storage at a constant temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius... Under the guidance of a set of standardized unloading procedures, these French fries were frozen in the huge cold storage in less than two hours .

According to the relevant person in charge of Haiyun Cold Chain Storage Co., Ltd. in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, the company adopts a carbon dioxide and ammonia cascade refrigeration system to greatly reduce the amount of ammonia used while ensuring the refrigeration effect.

At the same time, through the intelligent warehouse management system, employees can easily grasp vehicle scheduling, temperature and humidity adjustment, and pre-cooling qualification rate with handheld terminals.

  On the other hand, transportation links are more efficient and complete.

On the eve of this year's National Day, the "Qilu" China-Europe Express Jinan cold chain special train was loaded with frozen yellow peaches, frozen raspberries and other cold foods, and arrived in Moscow, Russia 15 days later.

Compared with ordinary China-Europe trains, cold chain trains require higher constant temperature technology, faster port connection speed and more refined operation and service capabilities.

  In recent years, SF Express, and other companies have actively carried out high-value-added cargo cold chain transportation, and the railway, aviation, and highway cold chain models have developed rapidly.

Zhang Dawei, deputy director of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Ministry of Transport, said recently that the next step will be to improve the cold chain logistics infrastructure network, promote the upgrading of cold chain transportation technology and equipment, innovate the cold chain transportation service model, and improve the cold chain transportation laws and regulations and standards.

At the same time, the key links of imported cold chain food logistics and the epidemic prevention and control requirements for important personnel have been strengthened.

Constantly make up for shortcomings

  At the end of November this year, on the platform of Hangzhou East Railway Station in Zhejiang Province, a batch of temperature-controlled boxes containing cancer adjuvant therapy drugs developed by Hangzhou Jiuyuan Gene Company were carried on a freight train bound for Beijing.

These medicines are placed in correspondingly sized grooves in the box, surrounded by insulation materials, which can ensure that they remain at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius for more than 300 hours.

Each temperature control box is equipped with a global temperature recorder, and the temperature in the box is uploaded to the cloud in real time. Once it exceeds the warning range, an alarm message will be sent to the manager.

These boxes arrived in South America after more than 10 days by means of "railway + air transport".

  This is a global reach, digital, and full-link traceability solution created by Cainiao Network Technology Co., Ltd. for Chinese pharmaceutical companies' products to "go overseas".

According to Wang Jingran, head of international cold chain logistics at Cainiao Networks, the threshold of medical cold chain transportation is higher than that of ordinary goods, coupled with the long transportation link and the severe impact of international air transport capacity by the epidemic, which puts forward higher requirements for cross-border medical cold chain logistics.

Chinese logistics companies need to establish a professional and standardized cross-border cold chain logistics team to meet the "going overseas" needs of multiple types of companies such as pharmaceuticals.

  Due to the unbalanced and inadequate development of the cold chain industry, constantly making up for shortcomings and strengths and weaknesses has become an important issue for the high-quality development of the industry.

The "Plan" sets up 12 columns and systematically proposes 21 projects, including the cold chain logistics facilities to make up for the shortcomings of agricultural products, the cold chain transportation to improve the quality and efficiency of the cost reduction project, the cold chain logistics improvement project for land sales, and the backbone cold chain logistics Enterprise cultivation projects, etc., to consolidate the basis for the development of cold chain logistics in a targeted manner.

  Cui Zhongfu suggested that we should take innovation as the starting point, promote reasonable government planning, coordinate the promotion of cold chain logistics standardization, informatization, intelligence, and platform construction, and comprehensively build a modern cold chain logistics system with highly symmetrical information; strengthen the training of professional and compound talents in the industry , To expand the scope of cold chain logistics informatization and automation applications; to promote enterprises to increase resource investment, improve technological innovation, and continuously transform and upgrade to the direction of intelligence, technology, and automation, and gradually build an intelligent cold chain logistics system.