Teller Report

How our readers manage their mask supply

12/21/2021, 1:48:54 PM

"20 Minutes" Readers Reveal How They Manage Their Mask Stock To cope with the coronavirus, and in particular the arrival of the Omicron variant, wearing a mask is more recommended than ever. 20 Minutes  therefore asked its readers to find out how they manage their stock of masks after more than a year and a half of the pandemic. Disposable, homemade, snatched at work… Here are your techniques. For a year and a half, whether we put up with it or not, it has

  • To cope with the coronavirus, and in particular the arrival of the Omicron variant, wearing a mask is more recommended than ever.

  • 20 Minutes 

    therefore asked its readers to find out how they manage their stock of masks after more than a year and a half of the pandemic.

  • Disposable, homemade, snatched at work… Here are your techniques.

For a year and a half, whether we put up with it or not, it has followed us everywhere: the mask has become the essential accessory of our daily life in the face of the coronavirus.

It is therefore necessary to always have some under the elbow and to organize oneself to supply oneself, especially with the progression of the Omicron variant.

Disposable, homemade, bought in quantity for cheap or snatched at work… The readers of 

20 Minutes

tell us how they manage their supply.

"I put it in the sun for several days"

Are you like Marine, who “can't stand fabric masks”? Or like Sacha, whose same fabric masks have worn out because "the rubber bands have relaxed in the end"? If you prefer surgical masks - and therefore disposable - you may have opted, like many of our readers, for the washing machine option. A study published in



in October indicated that surgical masks can withstand ten washes without losing their filtration and breathability. Gwen thus began to "wash disposable masks in the machine and dry them in the dryer once before throwing them away". The same goes for Christelle, who "washes them in the machine about twice", or Alexandra, who washes them "3 to 4 times before throwing them away".

Still among the lovers of disposable masks, there are those who do not give them a machine ride.

This is the case with Annie, who "reuses them after having put them in the sun for several hours or days".

A method similar to that of Thierry, who "suspends them to air them for ten days".

But some don't bother.

“I keep the masks that are lying around in my pockets or my bag for a long time and I wear them several times before throwing them away,” says Christine.

Matthieu goes even further: “I have been using the same one for 6 months”.

Conversely, some throw them away with each use.

Isabelle takes "a new one every time", and Justine "changes them all day and every day".

"At home, only fabric masks"

But the cloth mask also has its defenders, because it does not require permanent restocking.

Chloe has been wearing them "since the start of the pandemic", when Janine swears by him: "At home, only fabric masks, homemade or not".

At Marie-Laure, on the other hand, “only homemade masks!


And for Annabelle, aesthetics matter: they allow “to match our outfits”.

"We put it on when we go to a restaurant," says Magali for her part.

To help out, Cécile decided to "always keep one in the bag".

"My company provides a box of 50 masks free of charge"

Surgical, cloth, employers must provide their employees with masks in the office. A way like any other to get supplies. Lucas has "two free masks a day" and "never buys", just like Daisy, whose company "provides him free each month a box of 50 masks". That of Fabien has opted for the distribution of 10 masks per week, "so as to be able to use two each day and wash them at the weekend for the following week". And then there are those who go a little further than the planned distribution: "The thief", as she calls herself, admits like Laetitia "stealing the masks at work".

And on the purchasing side?

Sophie and Justine say they get their supplies "in the pharmacy".

Fabienne, she buys her disposable masks "in supermarkets", just like Annie, who goes towards those "at 1.99 euros for 50".

Masks "made in France" are also popular.

Sébastien thus prefers "to buy French", and Marie obtains fabric masks "at 2.39 euros per unit, made in Rhône-Alpes".

Finally, there is the “Internet team”.

Elodie buys those "who come from China, 5 euros for 50, on AliExpress".

Francis prefers the FFP2 masks he finds online, as does Murielle and those found "on Amazon".

So many techniques, prices and supplies to fight, in the end, the same enemy.


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