Teller Report

Takes home the overall victory in the Extreme E-series

12/19/2021, 3:30:27 PM

The decision in the Extreme E series became a big drama. In the end, Johan Kristoffersson and Molly Taylor were the overall winners.

The final competition was decided in Dorset, England.

The winning machine Johan Kristoffersson and Molly Taylor, from Australia, finished fourth - but that is enough for the overall victory.

They finish on the same points as Sébastien Loeb and Christina Gutiérrez, but have more victories overall, which is decisive.

It is noteworthy that Kevin Hansen and Mikaela Åhlin finished second in the final competition, ahead of Timmy Hansen and Katie Munnings.

Earlier this year, Johan Kristoffersson won the world title in rallycross.