Teller Report

Reztsova: I am ready to cry, very happy

12/19/2021, 1:13:15 PM

Russian biathlete Kristina Reztsova shared her emotions from winning bronze in the 12.5 km mass start at the fourth stage of the World Cup in Annecy, France.

“What was it like running the first mass start?

To be honest, I thought it would be harder, that everyone would initially push, kick, but everyone went smoothly, without falling.

In the end, I already fought with the Frenchwoman literally to the last descent.

I don’t know why it happened that I fell behind again on the descent, although I worked with my legs to the end.

Maybe a little bit already tired, "- said Reztsova on the air of" Match TV ".

She also admitted that until the last moment she was afraid that she was not the third, but she was prompted in time.

According to her, she tried to escape as quickly as possible from the last line, so that there were more chances at the finish.

At the same time, the athlete does not think about whether she has reached her peak form.

“Of course I celebrated at the finish line.

This is a medal, this is a personal medal!

I'm ready to cry.

I am very happy.

The career is precisely divided into "before" and "after".

The coolest thing is the feeling in every race that I can fight, ”added Reztsova.

Reztsova finished third in the mass start, 12.1 seconds behind the leader.

The victory was won by the Swede Elvira Eberg with a score of 35 minutes 21.7 seconds.

Earlier, Reztsova won the first personal medal for Russian biathletes at the CM in two years.