Teller Report

Praise after the new success: "Magnificent"

12/19/2021, 12:48:04 PM

Elvira Öberg fired two shots - but still won the mass start in Annecy. Now she pays tribute properly. - There is only one word: magnificent, says SVT expert Kalle Grenemark.

The success continues for Elvira Öberg.

She followed up Saturday's hunt start victory by also winning the mass start.

She blocked two lying shots, but then shot full and was able to drive home a sure victory through strong riding.

SVT expert Kalle Grenemark was particularly impressed.

- Absolutely magical.

She starts with two booms lying down, then I thought it would be tough.

But then she gets the chance when others miss, and as she does.

She just thumps the shots, he says and finally lands in:

- There is only one word: magnificent.

Luke: "So fun to see"

National team coach Johannes Lukas also exudes in his review of Öberg's effort.

- She's so mentally connected.

It's so fun to see her on the dike in the last shot.

She's doing her thing.

It is not something you can train on, you have to bring it with you.

It was seen on the last lap that she had decided to win.

Her mental strength helps her.

CLIP: Elvira Öberg took second straight World Cup victory (December 19, 2021)

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Elvira Öberg with second straight World Cup victory.

Photo: Bildbyrån