Teller Report

One year of revocation of accreditation certificate... Still "authenticate" everywhere

12/19/2021, 12:06:11 PM

It has been just one year since the official certificate, which was cumbersome, talkative and troublesome every time it was used, was abolished. Words say that it has disappeared, but discomfort still remains everywhere.

It has been just one year since the official certificate, which was cumbersome, talkative, and troublesome every time I used


was abolished. Words say that it has disappeared, but discomfort still remains everywhere.

Reporter Im Tae-woo pointed out why.


[Jeong Hyeon-


/ Office worker: The authentication procedures are still complicated and are still being used a lot, so I don't think I'm feeling the big difference.]

[Jun-hyung Park / Employee: There are financial certificates and there are various things, but it is still a little inconvenient The reality is that I have no feelings... .] The

reason most people do not feel this change is because the inconvenience of the days of public certificates still remains everywhere.

Many government agencies, such as the Supreme Court that selects a family relationship certificate, driver's license renewal, and childcare payment, still require joint certificates that have only been renamed from public certificates.

When you connect, various security programs are installed messily on your computer like before.

Certificate usage, storage, and renewal have not changed significantly.

[Seungju Kim / Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University: I hate to change the system that has been running well in this place to another. Because when you change it, you can have very big problems. That's why I'm doing it so it doesn't work.]

Moreover, consumers still bear the responsibility for security accidents such as hacking or forgery that can occur due to various certificates.

This is contrary to the attitudes of organizations in developed countries that try to take responsibility for security incidents on their own.

[Seo Ji-yong/Professor of Business Administration at Sangmyung University: (Financial companies) If you say something like 'We had a well-equipped security system and operated it according to the government-given manual, this was an unavoidable accident that we couldn't prevent' It is necessary

to increase consumer convenience by actively introducing various authentication methods according to technological developments, rather than just declaring the abolition of accredited certificates.

(Video coverage: Yoo Dong-hyeok, Oh Young-chun, video editing: Ha Seong-won)