Teller Report

Emil Persson won after a tight sprint

12/19/2021, 11:30:29 AM

Emil Persson won the individual Ski Classics premiere over 33 kilometers in Orsa. The reigning grandmaster was the strongest in the sprint and cracked several of the other stars.

For a very long time, it was a large cluster with many of the pre-favorites.

The Russian Ermil Vokujev was the one who was most offensive - he pulled a lot and bet on the sprint prices along the way.

On the uphill slopes, no one jerked and thus the riders had to prepare for a sprint deal.

Many strong skiers were with us all the way, but in the end it was Emil Persson from the team Lager 157 who was the strongest.

Vokujev was second before Kasper Stadås and the former superstar Martin Johnsrud Sundby.

The victory in today's race gave 100 points to the total in the long distance cup Ski Classics.