Teller Report

New Chancellor Scholz: The diamond can also be deceiving

12/15/2021, 8:35:37 PM

Olaf Scholz sees himself in the continuity of Angela Merkel. He finds sharp words against corona deniers. It offers the opposition enough space to attack.

How much space and strength is actually left for progress when overcoming the current crises requires so much energy? Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the Ampelkoalition are not faced with a mountain of problems, they are already in the middle of the mountains and looking for orientation. Because the corona pandemic is overshadowing everything again these days, Scholz addressed harsh words to all those who refused to vaccinate at the beginning of his government statement: Because of you, a relaxed Christmas is not possible. Corona deniers endangered cohesion in the country. The rule of law will oppose the “tiny minority of the hateful”.

Scholz recently said he was also the chancellor of the unvaccinated.

Of course it is. It has to be.

At the same time, it must be clear what it stands for.

This was not the case for a long time during the debate about the introduction of compulsory vaccination.

Valuable time was lost.

The sober chancellor also tried to spread some hope.

He could also have said: “We can do it.” Scholz sees himself in the continuity of Angela Merkel.

This applies above all to the style, the execution of the details of the coalition agreement instead of drawing out broad lines.

But the diamond can also be deceiving: if this government gets serious, the country will change.

That is the point at which the new opposition leader, the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, started.

Fortunately, the times when the AfD was the first to respond to the Chancellor, polemically or even unworthily, are over.

The Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus now held the first counter-speech.

On Wednesday he set a beneficial counterpoint to the AfD: He congratulated Scholz, but did not spare him.

The tripped up pandemic management, the reluctance towards Russia, the migration policy - the traffic light offers the Union enough space to attack.

Also with the fact that the respect coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP wants to put the Union in the Bundestag next to the AfD.

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