Teller Report

Flashing with a 'pop'... One dead, eight injured

12/10/2021, 2:26:17 AM

Yesterday evening, an accident presumed to be a gas explosion occurred at a multi-family house in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, killing one person and injuring eight others. Police and fire departments are investigating the exact cause of the explosion.


Yesterday (9th) evening in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, an accident presumed to be a gas explosion occurred at a multi-family house, killing one person and injuring eight others.

Police and fire departments are investigating the exact cause of the explosion.

This is reporter Ha Jeong-yeon.

<Reporter> A

citizen is walking down an alley, and the light flashes like lightning, and shards of glass and iron structures fall off.

Citizens fleeing in a hurry.

Inside the building, people rush out and residents flock to it in an instant.

At 7:35 pm yesterday evening, an explosion occurred in a five-story multi-family house in Danwon-gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do.

The accident occurred on the 5th floor, and police and fire officials believe that the LNG gas exploded.

[Choi Jae-gyu / Ansan Fire Station Commander: The only gas presumed to be an explosion is city gas, and the fire door on the 4th floor was pushed inward by the pressure of the explosion…

.] This

is a multi-family house in Danwon-gu, Ansan, where the accident occurred.

It is difficult to even walk because of the glass shards and debris, but the iron gates are scattered like that due to the impact of the accident.

A woman in her 50s living on the fourth floor was killed in the accident.

In addition, three residents were seriously injured, and five people, including a citizen passing by, suffered minor injuries.

[Kang Seok-hwa / Witness: ‘Oh, this is wrong.’


An old man shouted from above, asking for only four strong men to come up.

All the decorations inside are torn down...

Even if there is a person under the floor, it is difficult to provide temporary first aid.]

KEPCO and the ward office, which conducted the first safety diagnosis, closed the building for fear of a fire due to a short circuit.

For this reason, 12 residents are planning to move to accommodations provided by the ward office for the time being.

Police and fire departments are investigating the exact cause of the accident, such as whether the accident was caused by negligence or whether there are any suspicions of a crime.

In addition, we plan to conduct an additional safety assessment of the building this morning.

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