Teller Report

$1.3 million to develop digital skills for people with special needs, women and refugees

12/10/2021, 11:20:40 PM, the philanthropic arm of Google, announced that it will provide a grant of $1.3 million to three non-profit organizations in the Middle East and North Africa region, with the aim of providing entrepreneurs and job seekers with the necessary technical skills over the next two years.

$1.3 million to develop digital skills for people with special needs, women and refugees

Google aims to provide entrepreneurs and job seekers with technical skills.

From the source, the philanthropic arm of Google, has announced that it will provide a grant of $1.3 million to three non-profit organizations in the Middle East and North Africa region, with the aim of providing entrepreneurs and job seekers with the necessary technical skills over the next two years. The role of the grant recipients, i.e. Dream, I Dare for Sustainable Development and SPARK, is to reach more individuals from different backgrounds in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and the United Arab Emirates. To improve access to the labor market and enhance its inclusion, will provide a $400,000 grant to Dream, a non-governmental organization that works to promote inclusion and the employment of people with disabilities. Dream, in turn, will launch workshops in both English and Arabic, and will provide sign language translation, translation and explanation segments.These workshops will focus on digital literacy, and how to use English to communicate in the business world, with the aim of providing participants with the digital skills and skills required in the labor market.

The workshops will be held in Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, in the subsequent period of 18 months, and more than 1,000 people will participate.

Furthermore, Helem will reach out to a range of agencies from the public and private sectors to help create and enhance job opportunities for people with special needs and connect employers with skilled job seekers.

Under the restrictions imposed to combat the pandemic, many refugees and displaced young people around the world have lost their jobs and sources of income.

To address this problem, the program will provide a $600,000 grant to SPARK, a non-governmental organization that provides young people with tools to help them succeed in conflict-affected areas.

To provide equal opportunities for women in Jordan, the program will provide a $300,000 grant to I Dare for Sustainable Development, a non-profit organization that aims to promote positive growth in young people for sustainable change.