Teller Report

Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the third ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum

12/3/2021, 7:15:15 PM

China News Service, Beijing, December 3. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the third ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum on the 3rd.   Xi Jinping pointed out that since the establishment of the China-CELAC Forum 7 years ago, the two sides have built the forum as a major platform for mutual benefit and promoted equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and b

  China News Service, Beijing, December 3. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the third ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum on the 3rd.

  Xi Jinping pointed out that since the establishment of the China-CELAC Forum 7 years ago, the two sides have built the forum as a major platform for mutual benefit and promoted equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and benefits in China-Latin America relations. The new era of the people.

  Xi Jinping emphasized that today's world has entered a new period of turbulent change, and both China and Latin America are facing new issues of the times to promote post-epidemic recovery and realize the happiness of the people.

The Latin American side is welcome to actively participate in the global development initiative, and work with China to overcome difficulties and create opportunities together to build a community with a shared future for global development.

  Xi Jinping emphasized that history has taught us that peaceful development, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation are the right ways in the world.

Both China and Latin America are developing countries and are comprehensive cooperative partners with equality, mutual benefit and common development. The common dream of independence, development and rejuvenation unites us closely.

Let us jointly plan a blueprint for China-Latin America relations, add momentum to China-Latin America cooperation, and make new contributions to enhancing the well-being of the Chinese and Latin American people and the cause of human progress.


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