Teller Report

US-Iran Nuclear Agreement Rebuilding Talks Discontinued Without Progress to Resume Next Week

12/3/2021, 8:50:53 PM

[NHK] The indirect talks between the United States and Iran aimed at rebuilding the Iran nuclear agreement were temporarily terminated without any concrete progress, and mid-next week ...

Indirect talks between the United States and Iran to rebuild the Iran nuclear agreement have been terminated without any concrete progress and will resume in the middle of next week.

A senior EU-European Union official, who acts as an intermediary, has expressed a sense of crisis, saying that it is "clearly an imminent phase," and the rebuilding of the nuclear agreement is at a crossroads.

Indirect talks between the United States and Iran to rebuild the nuclear agreement resumed in Vienna, the capital of Austria, for the first time in five months from 29th last month, discussing how to lift US sanctions and limit Iran's nuclear development. It was done.

After the talks on the 3rd, EU Under-Secretary-General Mora, the mediator, said, "Time is not infinite. It is clearly an imminent phase." I did.

After that, the negotiating team of each country announced that the talks would be terminated and resumed in the middle of next week.

In talks, Iran has so far called on the United States to assure it that it will lift all sanctions and never leave the agreement, but the United States has not shown a willingness to respond and the gap between the two has not been filled. Hmm.

Iran is accelerating nuclear development as a countermeasure against sanctions, and the re-establishment of the nuclear agreement is at a crossroads as talks show a deadlock.