Teller Report

Petroleum content detected in drinking water near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, U.S.

12/3/2021, 11:50:49 PM

National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported on December 3, local time that the drinking water from a well near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii detected oil.   Some residents who had drunk contaminated water reported the incident after showing symptoms such as nausea. The Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Blake Converse, stated in an online video event on the evening of the 2nd local time that

  National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported on December 3, local time that the drinking water from a well near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii detected oil.

  Some residents who had drunk contaminated water reported the incident after showing symptoms such as nausea. The Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Blake Converse, stated in an online video event on the evening of the 2nd local time that the Navy had “quite conclusive evidence”. There are indications that there are volatile petroleum components in Red Hill."

  It is understood that this well provides water for approximately 93,000 residents near Pearl Harbor.

The Hawaii Department of Health recommends that residents who rely on Red Mountain’s water wells stop using water for “drinking, cooking or cleaning their mouths”, and those who find “fuel-like smells” in the water should also avoid using it for bathing, washing dishes, and washing clothes. And other purposes.

  The Hawaii Department of Health stated that they have received more than 175 complaints about this issue so far.

(CCTV reporter Xu Tao)