Teller Report

Italian man tries to get vaccinated on fake silicone arm

12/3/2021, 9:08:41 PM

An Italian fifty-something from Piedmont tried to be vaccinated on a silicone prosthesis. A subterfuge which was discovered by the nurse in charge of administering the vaccine to him. Rejected, the president of Piedmont declared on Facebook that the man will `` answer for his acts in court ''. A "super sanitary pass" is implemented in Italy from Monday.

Europe 1 with AFP 10:01 p.m., December 3, 2021

An Italian fifty-something from Piedmont tried to be vaccinated on a silicone prosthesis. A subterfuge which was discovered by the nurse in charge of administering the vaccine to him. Rejected, the president of Piedmont declared on Facebook that the man "will answer for his acts in front of the justice". A "health super pass" is in place in Italy from Monday.

An Italian fiftieth from Piedmont eager to obtain the precious health pass tried unsuccessfully on Thursday to be vaccinated on a silicone prosthesis, the president of this region in the northwest of the country said on Friday.

"This case would border on the ridiculous if we did not speak of a gesture of enormous gravity and unacceptable in the face of the sacrifice that the pandemic makes pay to our whole community in terms of human lives and social and economic costs", denounced Alberto Cirio in a post on his Facebook page.

The color and the feel to the touch aroused suspicion

The man in question presented himself Thursday evening in a vaccine center in Biella, in Piedmont, in the north-west.

The prosthesis was very well made, but the color and the feeling to the touch immediately aroused the suspicions of the nurse in charge of administering the vaccine, who asked him to remove his shirt, thus discovering his subterfuge.

He then asked the nurse to act as if she had seen nothing, which she refused to do, told the President of Piedmont on his post, specifying that this man "will answer (for his actions ) before the court". 


Covid-19: what we know about future government announcements

A "super sanitary pass" set up from Monday

Like all its European neighbors, Italy is currently facing a resurgence of the pandemic (almost 17,000 new cases recorded in 24 hours on Thursday).

At this stage, nearly 85% of those over 12 have been fully immunized.

From Monday, a "health super pass" will be set up: it will only be granted to people vaccinated and cured of Covid-19, and will allow you to go to the cinema, the theater or the restaurant ... traditional health pass, which can be obtained by carrying out a simple antigen test, will essentially allow access to the workplace.