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Inheriting the Red Rule of Law Genes Scanning of the National "Constitution Propaganda Week" in 2021

12/3/2021, 8:57:12 PM

Unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics Scanning of the National "Constitution Propaganda Week" in 2012   ▲ On November 30th, the launching ceremony of the 2021 Beijing "12·4" National Constitution Day, Constitution Propaganda Week and "Welcome the Winter Olympics with the Rule of Law" series of propaganda activities was held at the Capital Library. Pho

Unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics

Scanning of the National "Constitution Propaganda Week" in 2012

  ▲ On November 30th, the launching ceremony of the 2021 Beijing "12·4" National Constitution Day, Constitution Propaganda Week and "Welcome the Winter Olympics with the Rule of Law" series of propaganda activities was held at the Capital Library.

Photo by reporter Yang Jinfeng and Huang Jie

  □ Our reporter Pu Xiaolei

  December 4 this year is the eighth National Constitution Day.

From November 29 to December 5, it is the fourth "Constitution Propaganda Week."

  As in previous years, Lu Hongbing, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the All China Lawyers Association, still went to the community to teach the rule of law during the "Constitution Propaganda Week."

This year, he chose the theme of core socialist values ​​in accordance with the key points of the rule of law propaganda in the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" law popularization plan, combined with Xi Jinping's rule of law thoughts and the relevant provisions of the Constitution and the Civil Code.

  According to Mo Jihong, Dean of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, compared with previous years, this year’s "Constitution Propaganda Week" has become a bit different because of a major event-the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party deliberated and approved the "Constitution Propaganda Week" Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party’s Centennial Struggle.

Mo Jihong believes that the "Constitution Propaganda Week" that came as scheduled is just right. "When spreading the law, all localities and departments must deepen the masses' awareness of major achievements and historical experience, so as to strengthen people's unswerving journey to a society with Chinese characteristics. Confidence in the path of the rule of law."

  Since the launch of the National Constitution Propaganda Week, centering on the theme of "Using Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law to Unswervingly Follow the Road of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics", various regions and departments have organized and implemented the rule of law that has local departmental characteristics and has good social influence. Propaganda activities, education and guidance of the whole society to continuously enhance the self-confidence and consciousness of taking the road of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.

Inheriting the Red Rule of Law Gene

  The 2021 National "Constitution Publicity Week" work plan clearly proposes to carry out special publicity activities for inheriting the red rule of law gene.

The "Work Plan" requires that Hebei, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places organize the special publicity activities of "All for the People-Inheriting the Red Rule of Law" and "Constitution Publicity Week".

  The content of propaganda and education on the red rule of law was specifically proposed and specific arrangements were made. This is the first time in the "Constitution Propaganda Week."

  The Xibaipo Memorial Hall, covering an area of ​​more than 580 acres and holding thousands of cultural relics, has become a famous red tourist attraction and a patriotic education base.

During the "Constitution Propaganda Week", Hebei took the Xibaipo Memorial Hall to host a live broadcast of RongMedia, linking provincial, city, and county branch venues, to carry out various forms of rule of law publicity activities.

  Located in Yan’an City, Shaanxi Province, the former site of the High Court of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region is currently the most complete preservation of the former site of the High Court of the Border Region.

On November 30th, the special publicity event of "All for the People—Inheriting the Red Rule of Law Gene" was held at the former site of the High Court in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

At the event site, more than 80 political and legal officers from the Yan'an City Court, Procuratorate, Public Security, and Judicial Administrative Drug Rehabilitation System took the constitutional oath.

  In Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the 5th anniversary of the opening of the "May 4th Constitution" historical materials exhibition hall, the cumulative number of visitors has exceeded 1.55 million.

During this year’s "Constitution Propaganda Week", the exhibition hall carried out many activities such as the inheritance of the red rule of law gene-"Grace to the Party, praise the motherland, respect the Constitution" and other activities, giving people audible, watchable, and talkable Lively constitutional story.

  Jiangxi places the main venue of thematic publicity activities at the former site of the People’s Committee of the People’s Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic. In accordance with the idea of ​​“one oath, one recitation, one performance”, the form and content are innovated, and a live broadcast of online and offline integration and integrated media is held. Thematic publicity activities of law popularization.

  "Vigorously promoting the culture of the red rule of law is a prominent feature of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, and it is also a new task of the popularization of the law. Tell the story of the red rule of law, inherit the red rule of law gene, and let the brilliance of the law and the spirit of the red rule of law penetrate the hearts of the people. , Let the people feel the warmth and power of the law in the culture of rule of law, can further strengthen the people's "four self-confidence." said Fang Yan, deputy to the National People's Congress and vice chairman of the Shaanxi Lawyers Association.

In-depth development of the constitutional "seven advances"

  The arrangement of theme activities around the "Seven Entrances" of the Constitution is a "prescribed action" of the "Constitution Propaganda Week."

According to the relevant spirit of the Party Central Committee on the promotion of constitutional study, publicity and education, this year’s "Constitution Publicity Week" held seven themed activities, namely: the constitution enters the countryside, the constitution enters the community, the constitution enters the campus, the constitution enters the government agency, the constitution enters the enterprise, and the constitution enters the country. The barracks and the constitution enter the network.

  The theme activity of "Constitution in the Countryside" is an important measure to promote the construction of the rule of law in the countryside.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held the 2021 "Constitution into the Countryside" theme day home event in Mingyue Village, Pujiang County, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and requested all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to strengthen organizational leadership, highlight rural characteristics, and ensure practical results.

  In response to the community’s rule of law needs and hot issues of concern, Chongqing combined the “Constitution into Ten Thousand Homes” activity and the “Civil Administration Regulations and Policies Publicity Month” to highlight the Constitution’s provisions on citizens’ basic rights and duties, and pay attention to publicizing the Civil Code and the future. The Adult Protection Law and other laws and regulations closely related to the residents.

  The “Constitution” lecture event held by Guangzhou Customs in the cloud not only promotes the Constitution, but also arranges experts to interpret relevant legal knowledge such as customs registration and corporate credit management in response to corporate needs.

  On November 30, Henan carried out the launching ceremony of the "Constitutional Military Camp" and the licensing ceremony of the military public legal service workstations.

Organize military judges, military prosecutors, and military lawyers to enter the barracks for law popularization.

Highlight the contents of the Constitution and laws regarding the performance of duties by soldiers and the protection of the rights and interests of soldiers and members of the army.

  "The Constitution is a concentrated expression of the will of the party and the people. With the focus on the constitution's "seven advances" theme activities, various regions and departments have carried out in-depth constitutional propaganda activities, and made it clear that the historical inevitability of "unswervingly follow the path of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics" Reality must guide people to support and believe in the constitution from the bottom of their hearts, which is conducive to building a constitutional foundation for the construction of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics." said Lu Hongbing.

Innovative publicity methods and methods

  During the "Constitution Propaganda Week", various regions and departments combined with the epidemic prevention and control situation to carry out online and offline legal popularization work in various forms.

  "Uncles and aunts, what is this weird insect?" "Are any strangers asked us to help bring things in, we can't bring them" front of the "Forbidden Objects" display cabinet at Gongbei Port, dressed in school uniforms Cross-border students kept asking questions, and Gongbei Customs officers patiently publicized the regulations on the management of prohibited items and customs clearance precautions to cross-border students and their parents.

  The Law Society of China gave full play to its role as a platform for advocating the rule of law of the "Hundreds of Jurists and Hundreds of Reports", continued to promote the "Double Hundreds" activity, and invited "National Outstanding Young Jurists" to give lectures, and in-depth publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law.

  Held the launch of the "2021 Constitution Propaganda Week" in Fujian Province and the establishment of the "Dandelion" Law Popularization Volunteer Alliance, and the opening ceremony of the Fujian Constitution Propaganda and Education Center...Fujian took the "Constitution Propaganda Week" as an opportunity to further promote the study and propaganda of the Constitution Develop in depth.

  Gansu requested that China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom Gansu Branch, from November 29 to December 5, continue to push the Constitution and constitution-related laws to mobile phone users throughout the province to promote text messages to popularize constitutional knowledge.

During the "Constitution Propaganda Week", each operator pushes at least 3 to 4 pieces of information to each Gansu user.

  Beijing highlighted the content of the promotion of the rule of law in the Winter Olympics, and launched 10 specific measures including the promotion of the theme of "Welcome to the Winter Olympics with the Rule of Law".

During the "Constitution Publicity Week", all districts and departments of the city will carry out more than 7,200 learning and publicity activities.

  Shaanxi gives full play to the advantages of integrated media communication, and promotes the all-media rule of law propaganda that integrates "radio, television, network, and mobile clients".

Hebei has increased its online publicity through illustrations, animation, short videos, H5, public service advertisements, etc., to enhance the attractiveness and appeal of constitutional publicity.

  "Innovating the methods and methods of constitutional propaganda can enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of law popularization, and increase the attractiveness and appeal of constitutional propaganda. Only when the content of the propaganda is required by the masses, the methods of propaganda are liked by the masses, and the effectiveness of propaganda is satisfied by the masses. Praise, in order to truly integrate the spirit of the Constitution into the daily lives of the masses, and promote the normalization and institutionalization of the study and publicity of the Constitution.” said Ma Yide, a representative of the National People's Congress and a professor at the School of Intellectual Property of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.