Teller Report

Hulot case: "Macron uses the same terms as sexual predators", accuses Jadot

12/3/2021, 7:02:39 PM

Yannick Jadot reacted at the microphone of Europe 1 to Emmanuel Macron's remarks concerning the Hulot affair. The President of the Republic wanted there to be no "complacency". nor "inquisition" following the accusations of rape and sexual assault against his ex-minister Nicolas Hulot. A political fault, according to the environmental candidate. & Nbsp;

Solène Delinger 7:47 p.m., December 3, 2021

Yannick Jadot reacted at the microphone of Europe 1 to Emmanuel Macron's remarks concerning the Hulot affair.

The President of the Republic wanted there to be neither “appeasement” nor “inquisition” following the accusations of rape and sexual assault against his ex-minister Nicolas Hulot.

A political fault, according to the environmental candidate. 

Emmanuel Macron's reaction to the Hulot affair aroused the indignation of feminists ... and Yannick Jadot.

The President of the Republic declared at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday December 1 that the government "would never accept a society of opacity or complacency" but "did not want a society either. of the inquisition ". 

"Macron is on the wrong side"

"I do not know exactly what the President of the Republic knew but he continues to use the same terms as the sexual predators on the mode" stop the media inquisition "", lamented the environmental candidate at the microphone of Europe 1 For more than a year, from May 2017 to August 2018, Nicolas Hulot worked as Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition for the government of Edouard Philippe, under the governance of Emmanuel Macron. Today accused of rape and sexual assault by at least six women, who testified in "Special Envoy", broadcast on November 25 on France 2, Nicolas Hulot had already been targeted by a complaint for rape, in 2018. Marlène Schiappa, who was at the time Secretary of State in charge ofEquality between women and men, had taken its defense. 

Schiappa had defended Hulot

Three years later, in the midst of a media storm, Nicolas Hulot announced that he was leaving public life "definitively" to protect his relatives and his Foundation from the fallout of a "lynching".

On the set of BFMTV, he denied the facts and denounced a "media tribunal. According to him," justice and truth cannot emerge on a television set "and" we cannot reverse the burden of proof " The Paris prosecutor's office opened, two days after Hulot's statements and following the dissemination of the "Special Envoy" investigation, a preliminary investigation.

For Yannick Jadot, Emmanuel Macron went in the direction of Nicolas Hulot by speaking of "society of the inquisition". "I think that the President of the Republic is on the wrong side of policies in the fight against violence against women," he said at the microphone of Europe 1.

Feminists, including Paris adviser Alice Coffin, were also outraged by the presidential reaction even if they did not expect much from Emmanuel Macron.

"His reaction is eloquent of the extent of French denial on the issue of gender-based and sexual violence," said Alice Coffin.

For her, Emmanuel Macron, who warned in November 2017 against a "denunciation society" at the time of the explosion of the MeToo movement, has now gone further.

"To speak of an inquisition is to cast shame on those who speak and those who fight. For a week, these reactions, or the absence of reactions, have alarmed us and show how much we are in a situation of blockage. ", she denounced.