Teller Report

Alpine Skiing: Goggia's Supersonic Return Downhill to Lake Louise

12/3/2021, 11:09:01 PM

Italian Sofia Goggia, back in sprinting almost eleven months after an injury to her right knee, sent a message to the competition as she flew over the first Cup descent on Friday ...

Holder of the discipline's small crystal globe, after winning it for the first time in 2018, the 29-year-old skier relegated her runner-up, the American Breezy Johnson, to 1 sec 47 / 100th.

The Austrian Mirjam Puchner completed the podium at 1:54 / 100th and her compatriot Ramona Siebenhofer finished 4th, at 1 sec 96 / 100th, only three downhill women within two seconds of the winner.

“I knew I could go faster in some places, that I could win, but not with such a lead. There aren't a lot of spots where you can tell the difference so if you hit the slope it's what matters most, ”commented Goggia.

Mikaela Shiffrin, rather specialist in technical events and who leads the dance overall after raising to 71 his record for the number of World Cup victories, last weekend in Killington, by winning the slalom, finished very far , in 26th position (3 sec 60 / 100th from Goggia).

The American was also making her comeback in downhill, almost two years after the Bulgarian events in Bansko (January 2020), on a track that has been successful for her in the past: three podiums including a victory in December 2017.

The American Breezy Johnson on the track of the descent of Lake Louise in the Rcoheuses of Canada, December 3, 2021 Patrick T. FALLON AFP

But this time, she was not in the game, unlike Goggia who hit a big blow on the head of her rivals of the day.

Doubled in sight

Victorious for the 9th time in downhill (the 12th time in the World Cup), the skier from Bergamo had never won in Alberta.

This triumph therefore has an unprecedented flavor, in addition to marking a spectacular return to the top, the momentum of which was abruptly stopped at the end of January by an injury to the right knee, which occurred while going back down the track of Garmisch (Germany) and which had had it. deprived of "his" Worlds in Cortina d'Ampezzo at the end of last season.

A spectacular skier, the reigning Olympic champion won four races and finished second in five downhill starts last winter.

What was enough for him to finish at the top of the classification of the specialty, while missing the last two tests.

Designated as Italy's flag bearer for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Games, where she will defend her Olympic title in the downhill, she appears largely able to achieve the double on Saturday at Lake Louise.

Sofia Goggia flew over the descent of Lake Louise in the Rockies of Canada, December 3, 2021 Patrick T. FALLON AFP

"I will analyze the video. I think I can ski a little better in some parts of the route," she warned.

Shiffrin will try to put on a better figure than Friday, she who hadn't competed in a World Cup sprint for almost two years, despite winning bronze in super-G at the World Championships in February. .

On the French side, Romane Miradoli made an encouraging comeback, a year after her ruptured cruciate ligament in her left knee, by finishing 19th, three seconds behind Goggia.

Laura Gauche was placed 31st, Camille Cerutti 36th, Tiffany Gauthier 41st.

© 2021 AFP

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