Teller Report

Journalist harassed on live TV, it is controversy

11/28/2021, 6:47:06 PM

It happened to the correspondent Greta Beccaglia during a connection at the end of the Empoli-Fiorentina match: a fan stretched out his hands 


November 28, 2021From last night the images of a Viola fan have bounced on social media and leave no room for doubt, who, after leaving the stadium in which Fiorentina was defeated away from Empoli, touches the sports reporter of Toscana Tv Greta Beccaglia. The reporter takes him back by telling him that "You can't do this, I'm sorry" and in response the colleague in the studio tells her not to "take it".

The video went viral and raised a wave of indignation which also many Italian parliamentarians spoke out. All one day before the demonstrations for the International Day against violence against women.

Greta Beccaglia wanted to tell the version of events on Instagram: “We have just finished the live broadcast. After the match I left the stadium to wait for the fans. Unfortunately they started yelling at me not nice things while I was at work, while I was live and one even allowed himself to slap me on the ass. This is an unacceptable thing, especially in 2021, when a girl like me does a bunch like this to become a journalist, to reach her goal and these people don't exist ".

Giorgio Micheletti, presenter of the show, explained his reaction to Corriere della Sera: "Our mistake was first of all organizational, we shouldn't have left our journalist alone in the midst of a crowd of" beings "with an IQ. below zero - he said - My intent, when I asked her not to take it, was to lighten up to help Greta's lack of experience in managing a difficult situation like the one she had to face. I first thought of her at work speaking, because she had the psychological pressure of having to manage a live one, I tried to reassure her, I didn't want to minimize what had happened, but to prevent something worse from happening to her ".

"Enough with violence against women! My solidarity with the journalist Greta Beccaglia. I hope that those unacceptable harassment on live TV will be prosecuted without hesitation".

The President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, writes on Twitter.

Enough with the #violence on #women!

My solidarity with the journalist #GretaBeccaglia.

I hope that unacceptable harassment on live TV will be prosecuted without hesitation. # 28novembre

- Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati (@Pres_Casellati) November 28, 2021

"What happened to Greta Beccaglia is not acceptable, it cannot be declassified in any way. It is a real episode of violence that must be condemned without hesitation. my solidarity "wrote the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico, also on Twitter.

What happened to #GretaBeccaglia is not acceptable, it cannot be declassified in any way.

It is a real episode of violence that must be condemned without hesitation.

My solidarity goes to the journalist.

- Roberto Fico (@Roberto_Fico) November 28, 2021

"This time we saw harassment live on TV, but I think of how many women are forced to suffer it every day on the street, at work, on the bus. Unacceptable episodes that confirm how much there is still a way to go. Come on Greta Beccaglia ".

Mariastella Gelmini, minister for regional affairs and autonomies, writes on Twitter.

"What happened last night, the harassment suffered live by the Toscana Tv journalist Greta Beccaglia, is an unacceptable act that must be condemned with all our strength. An act made even more serious by the behavior of the journalist in the studio who minimized the 'happened with a simple "do not take it", as if undergoing such an act were a normal thing that we must not dwell on. Last night, mind you, was a harassment. To the journalist goes all our closeness and solidarity for what happened and we hope that those responsible will be identified and punished ". Thus in a note the senators and senators of the M5s in the femicide commission.

"Unacceptable harassment against Greta Beccaglia. Anyone who engages in such vulgarity towards a woman, while doing his job, is neither a fan nor a real man. Those responsible are identified and punished. A hug to Greta, a serious professional combative woman ". The president of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni writes on Twitter.

"The episode that happened yesterday to the journalist Greta Beccaglia in Empoli was shameful. The conductor's words are serious, rightly stigmatized by the Tuscan Order of Journalists. When we talk about the need to change the cultural model, this is exactly what we are talking about. Solidarity with the journalist" he writes on Twitter the vice president of the Senate and head of Justice and rights of the Democratic Party, Anna Rossomando.

"A journalist is harassed live, her colleague in the studio belittles the fact with 'don't take it, you grow even with these experiences.' The order of journalists must intervene on the basis of an ethical duty, rather than a professional and personal one, to which the journalist must comply. For the League, every day is November 25, we will ask to go into depth on the matter as long as the dignity of Greta Beccaglia - and of all the women forced to undergo similar treatments every day - can obtain the right compensation "says the deputy Laura Ravetto, head of the Equal Opportunities department of the League.

Close to Greta Baccaglia, with a note, Cpo Fnsi, Cpo Usigrai and GiULiA journalists who stigmatized what happened: "Molested live. But the show continues. It happened to the Toscana Tv colleague, Greta Beccaglia, groped by a fan while she is collecting interviews outside the "Castellani" stadium in Empoli, after the derby with Fiorentina. The conductor in the studio, Giorgio Micheletti, instead of stigmatizing the episode, invites the reporter to "not take it", providing a justification for a sexist and belittling act against her colleague. With great professionalism, Greta Beccaglia carries on the live broadcast even though she finds herself in a sort of infernal circle in which verbal and physical harassment continues. Only after the second episode of groping,the conductor in the studio understands the gravity of the situation and closes the connection, allowing her to react. Solidarity with the colleague, the victim of a hateful gesture while she is doing her job and stigmatizing what was said in the studio that robs violence with a goliardic act "." No one has the right to touch a woman without her consent, in any context, and no one he must feel entitled to seek mitigating factors, feeding stereotypes that still cloak information, including sports information ", concludes the note.No one has the right to touch a woman without her consent, in any context, and no one should feel entitled to seek mitigating factors, feeding stereotypes that are still cloaked in information, including sports information ", concludes the note.No one has the right to touch a woman without her consent, in any context, and no one should feel entitled to seek mitigating factors, feeding stereotypes that are still cloaked in information, including sports information ", concludes the note.

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