Teller Report

Constitutional Democratic Representative Election 4 Candidates for Support from Younger Generations Debate

11/23/2021, 8:16:01 PM

[NHK] In the representative election of the Constitutional Democratic Party, on the night of the 23rd, four candidates will hold a debate with young supporters, and the need for efforts to increase the support of the younger generation ...

The Constitutional Democratic Party's representative election emphasized the need for efforts to increase the support of the younger generation by holding a debate with young supporters on the night of the 23rd.

The representative election of the Constitutional Democratic Party was opened on the Internet on the night of the 23rd, when four candidates held a debate to exchange opinions with young supporters and young local councilors.

Among them, a 19-year-old college student pointed out that "the approval rating of the party by the younger generation does not rise at all."

On the other hand,

◇ Former Prime Minister Aisaka said, "It's a very serious problem. There are no stars in the party, there is no excitement that" I think I'll do something ", and the four candidates are included. We have to think more strategically about how to show it because everyone is too serious. "

◇ Ogawa, Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, said, "I am living thinking that my teens and 20s may be tougher than today. I want to be able to see the future of society and the sustainability of society. I want to make the party a party that conveys the message that it is serious about recovering to young people. "

◇ Izumi Political Survey Chairman said, "The reason why the approval rating of the younger generation is low is because we are not approaching. I speak to children as well as voters locally, so most junior high school students know Kenta Izumi. It is important for people to think that they are doing it together and to sympathize with them. "

◇ Former Deputy Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Nishimura said, "We must give children who do not have the right to vote an opportunity to express their opinions to society and adults. What is an obstacle when trying to improve their lives? We are confident that if we think about it together, our policies will reach young people and gain their support. "

The representative election will continue to be debated, with a speech in Yokohama on the 25th, and votes will be counted on the 30th of this month.

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