Teller Report

Bloomberg: Apple plans to release self-driving car in 2025

11/18/2021, 10:08:02 PM

The American company Apple plans to release its own self-driving car in 2025. Bloomberg agency informs about it with reference to the source. As noted, at the beginning of this year, some of the company's engineers planned to produce the car in 5-7 years, but now the company is talking about the launch in 2025. According to the agency, the company has yet to complete testing of the vehicle's unmanned system, which is an "ambitious task" for such a timeframe. Bloomberg st

Bloomberg agency informs about it with reference to the source.

As noted, at the beginning of this year, some of the company's engineers planned to produce the car in 5-7 years, but now the company is talking about the launch in 2025.

According to the agency, the company has yet to complete testing of the vehicle's unmanned system, which is an "ambitious task" for such a timeframe.

Bloomberg stressed that "if Apple does not achieve the goal, it can either postpone the release, or start selling cars with simpler technology."

Earlier it was reported that Apple has recruited former Tesla engineer Christopher Moore, who was involved in the creation of the self-driving car.