Teller Report

81.7% of the young people surveyed felt that there were more young people around them doing side jobs

11/17/2021, 10:50:04 PM

81.7% of the young people surveyed felt that there were more young people around them doing side jobs What side business is the most popular? Wechat business, online platform experts, and sales of course resources are among the top three   Today, young people have more choices in career development. Extend hobbies, increase income, improve financial quotient... More and more young people have jo

81.7% of the young people surveyed felt that there were more young people around them doing side jobs

What side business is the most popular?

Wechat business, online platform experts, and sales of course resources are among the top three

  Today, young people have more choices in career development.

Extend hobbies, increase income, improve financial quotient... More and more young people have joined the "sideline army."

Which occupations are popular among young people?

What does a side business bring to young people?

  A few days ago, the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily and the Social Survey Center ( conducted a survey of 2,454 18-35-year-old youths, which showed that 81.7% of the youth interviewed felt that there were more young people doing side jobs around them.

Wechat business, online platform experts, and selling course resources are the three most popular side businesses.

Carrying out sideline business, 72.0% of the interviewed youths think they have the opportunity to try more possibilities, and 63.5% of the interviewed youths said that they can enrich their spiritual and leisure life.

  Among the youth interviewed, males accounted for 44.7% and females accounted for 55.3%.

31.6% live in first-tier cities, 44.7% in second-tier cities, 20.3% in third-tier cities, 2.6% in urban or county towns, and 0.8% in rural areas.

81.7% of the young people surveyed felt that there were more young people around them doing side jobs

  Bao Yiming (pseudonym), a sophomore at a college in Tianjin, obviously feels that there are many more friends doing side jobs around him.

"I have everything, some who write novels and publish them on the website platform, some who ask for drafts and pictures with people, and some students put course resources on the network platform to sell. They have done different side jobs through different channels."

  81.7% of the young people interviewed felt that there were more young people around them doing side jobs.

Which fields are young people enthusiastic about in their sideline business?

The survey shows that micro-business (75.0%) is the most, followed by online platform experts (59.5%), selling course resources (30.8%), overseas purchasing agents (27.6%), private car drivers (24.2%), design (22.6%) Wait.

  Bao Yiming believes that in the sideline business, there are more people doing micro business and writing.

"Wechat business has low entry barriers, low investment, and quick results. You can complete a transaction by publishing product information in Moments and communicating with customers. The writing time is more flexible and meets the needs of young people."

  Cai Lili (pseudonym), a guy in Hangzhou, feels that now the Internet is developed and everyone uses mobile phones. Many side jobs that can be done on mobile phones are popular, such as selling online courses, purchasing overseas purchases, and being a blogger on clothing and accessories.

  Wang Ting, a professor at the Business School of China University of Political Science and Law and director of the Human Resources Development and Management Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said that young people are keen to engage in sideline jobs, which largely reflects the current diversified employment market.

On the basis of traditional formal employment forms, a series of new employment forms such as flexible employment and self-employment are presented in the form of non-standard employment, and the development momentum is very good. While providing young people with more employment options, they also Reflecting everyone's recognition of diversified career choices, it is a kind of tolerance for society.

72.0% of the young people interviewed believe that they have the opportunity to try more possibilities when starting a sideline business

  "A friend around me posted his work on the Internet platform because of his love of painting, and unexpectedly received a lot of praise and attention, so he began to accept the contract to paint for others. This gave her a lot of encouragement and affirmation." Bao Yi Ming believes that young people are confident in their own abilities by doing side jobs, and they can also accumulate certain experience for formal work.

Moreover, you can get some income by doing side business, which is a manifestation of the beginning of independence in the growth process.

  Liu Qing, a young working person in Beijing, has plans to do sideline jobs. In her view, young people do sideline jobs as an independent performance. They want to no longer rely entirely on their parents and earn economic income through their own efforts.

And by doing side jobs, they can devote their remaining energy to hobbies to gain happiness.

"Of course, there are also some young people engaged in sideline jobs because of factors such as unstable main business and low wages."

  Cai Lili feels that by engaging in side business, he can learn new skills and improve his comprehensive ability, including financial management ability, copywriting ability, data analysis ability and so on.

You can also meet different people and gradually accumulate contacts to lay the foundation for future entrepreneurship.

It can better avoid the risk of unemployment. "A college student I know has his own sideline, and he is doing well. He is obviously less anxious and anxious when applying for a job. If he can't join the job immediately after graduation, he can live on the sideline."

  Regarding sideline jobs, 72.0% of the youth surveyed think they have the opportunity to try more possibilities, 63.5% of the youth surveyed feel that they will enrich their spiritual and leisure life, and 58.1% of the youth surveyed pointed out that they can break through themselves and enhance their personal value. 51.5% of the young people interviewed felt that they could increase their social experience.

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Du Yuanchun and intern Wang Jiulong Source: China Youth Daily

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