Teller Report

Immunologist Bolibok spoke about the "shock dose" of antibodies in case of revaccination

11/11/2021, 1:37:59 PM

Allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok said that in order for the body to produce a "shock dose" of antibodies to coronavirus, it is necessary to undergo revaccination after five to six months. This was reported by URA.RU.

“Revaccination gives a loading dose of antibodies,” Bolibok said.

According to him, in the absence of contact with the infection, the immune system saves energy and protein.

In this case, in case of repeated illness or contact with the virus during revaccination, memory cells will come into action.

Bolibok explained that cellular immunity is long-term, it "will support a person" for more than five months.

“And the level of antibodies will be absolutely huge - in my practice there were cases from 2000 to 5600 points per milliliter,” he said.

At the same time, the doctor added that booster vaccination is the safest way to activate the immune system.

Earlier, the virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Altstein expressed the opinion that the incidence of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in Russia will reach a plateau at a "fairly high level."

Also, virologist Yevgeny Timakov, in an interview with FAN, gave a forecast on the situation with COVID-19 before the New Year holidays.