Teller Report

Fight against Corona: Ethics Council recommends job-related vaccination

11/11/2021, 2:30:46 PM

In professional groups that care for “particularly vulnerable people”, the legislator should check whether a vaccination is mandatory, advises the independent body. Before that, the incidence had risen to a new record.

In view of the rapidly increasing number of corona infections, the German Ethics Council recommends that the Federal Government check whether certain professional groups are required to be vaccinated. The independent panel of experts announced on Thursday that it would recommend a “serious and rapid examination” of mandatory vaccination in areas in which “particularly vulnerable people” are cared for - the seriously or chronically ill as well as people of old age. The compulsory vaccination could then apply to doctors and nurses, but also employees of social auxiliary services. They have "a special responsibility for not harming those entrusted to them," says the committee's statement.

The only executive federal government of the Union and SPD rejects compulsory vaccination. The traffic light parties, which are currently negotiating the formation of a new government, are also against such a step. But the pressure is now growing. Diakonie President Ulrich Lilie recently spoke out in favor of a temporary compulsory vaccination in care facilities and in the health care system. The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina also considers compulsory vaccination for certain groups to be sensible.

On Thursday, the German Hospital Association followed the recommendation of the Ethics Council.

"The politicians are now asked to thoroughly examine the compulsory vaccination for certain professional groups, but not to put the issue on the back burner," said the chairman of the board Gerald Gass.

"The pandemic situation no longer allows unnecessary delays."

The Ethics Council specifically recommends the examination of a legal regulation for a job-related vaccination requirement.

Possible negative consequences, such as dismissals in the professional groups concerned, would have to be taken into account.

However, these should be weighed against the obligations to protect people from high-risk groups.

The 24 experts from science and society gave the recommendation unanimously with three abstentions.

The Ethics Council is considered to be the main body of experts for ethical, social, scientific, medical and legal issues.

His recommendations are given great weight in the political discussion.

The members are appointed by the President of the Bundestag.

235 deaths within 24 hours

The number of new corona infections has meanwhile risen sharply again and exceeded 50,000 for the first time in the corona pandemic. The health authorities in Germany reported the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) the maximum value of 50,196 new corona infections within one day. This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard from Thursday morning at 3:40 a.m. The previous day there were 39 676 infections and exactly one week ago the value was 33,949 infections. The value on Wednesday was already a high.

The nationwide seven-day incidence also reached a peak again.

The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Thursday morning at 249.1.

It has thus risen to a high for the fourth day in a row.

On Wednesday the value was 232.1.

For comparison: a week ago the incidence was 154.5, in the previous month it was 66.5.

According to the new information, 235 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

A week ago there were 165 deaths.

The RKI has counted 4,894,250 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic.

The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not detected.

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