Teller Report

Corona in Germany: is the Christmas markets threatened with cancellation again?

11/11/2021, 6:18:40 PM

In view of the worsening pandemic situation, Saxony's Prime Minister Kretschmer speaks out against opening the Christmas markets. The showmen are outraged. And the Germans' desire for mulled wine and bratwurst is unchecked.

Every year again: Christmas market cancellation?

While in Cologne on 11.11.

Crowds swayed into the carnival, hundreds of thousands went to the Martinszug or Martin's goose dinner and, for example, in Duisburg people were already sipping mulled wine at the 2G Christmas market that had just opened, thousands of showman families feared for their existence on Thursday.

You see another cancellation of the Christmas markets.

A déjà vu effect.

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A survey recently showed that the anticipation of the Christmas market in 2021 is actually very high given the waiver made last year.

"It is unbearable to hold your head for summer omissions for the second winter in a row," said President Albert Ritter from the German Schaustellerbund (DSB) on Thursday.

Around 3,000 traditional Christmas markets are currently being set up all over Germany.

Trusting the promises of the politicians, the showmen - mostly family businesses - built up, bought goods, hired staff and paid stand rents.

"Christmas markets are not the ballerina"

And now, almost at the last minute, the first calls for a change of plan are coming. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer called for the cancellation of Christmas markets in view of the drastic increase in new corona infections. In the show “Frühstart” on RTL / ntv, the CDU politician said: “You can't imagine standing at the Christmas market, drinking mulled wine and everything in the hospitals is over and you're fighting for the last resources.”

DSB President Ritter told the newspapers of the Funke media group that if there were market cancellations due to increasing incidences, the bridging funds, which should end on New Year's Eve, would have to be extended. In the event of a lockdown, Ritter would find it unfair to punish those of all people who obeyed the rules. "At most you could exclude unvaccinated people from the Christmas markets."

Ritter emphasized that the markets cannot be compared with indoor events.

In the Funke newspapers, he fought off doubts as to whether the rules of distance would be adhered to when consuming alcohol: “Christmas markets are not the ballerina on Mallorca.” You drink a mulled wine and go on, maybe drink a second at a different stand. “Christmas markets belong to tradition, there it's all about a well-groomed togetherness. ”Ritter rejects the requirement to wear a mask because it doesn't exist in pedestrian zones either.

Meanwhile, the Association of Towns and Municipalities is in favor of access restrictions such as 2G or 2G-Plus on the Christmas markets.

"In the current situation, we consider 2G to be an important sign on the Christmas markets," said managing director Gerd Landsberg to the Funke newspapers.

Great anticipation for Christmas markets

A representative Yougov survey commissioned by the German Press Agency at the beginning of November showed that adults in Germany are completely at odds about which corona rules are appropriate for Christmas markets. 27 percent voted for 3G and 22 percent for 2G. 18 percent would be enough distance rules. 17 percent did not want any restrictions. “Christmas markets should be canceled this winter,” initially only 8 percent said.

On the other hand, there was agreement regarding the anticipation of the magic of the booth: 71 percent of German citizens “definitely” or “probably” wanted to go to a Christmas market this year.

In contrast, the number of people who avoided Christmas markets was still small recently: only 4 percent said that they did not want to visit a Christmas market this year.

"Probably not" said 18 percent.

The Christmas market season in 2021 starts particularly early in some places, for example at “Winterzauber Berlin” or in Duisburg.

The reason is that cities wanted to give the showmen higher sales after the long Corona break and give people a cozy distraction.

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