Teller Report

Aggression of the player Kheira Hamraoui: update on the investigation

11/11/2021, 1:43:50 PM

A week after the assault on French international Paris Saint-Germain Kheira Hamraoui, her teammate Aminata Diallo is still in custody. The player, present during the assault, denies the charges against her, as does a second person in police custody.

Europe 1 with Cyrille de la Morinerie and AFP 2:37 p.m., November 11, 2021

A week after the assault on French international Paris Saint-Germain Kheira Hamraoui, her teammate Aminata Diallo is still in police custody.

The player, present during the assault, denies the charges against her, as does a second person in police custody.

It is a symbol of the embarrassment generated by the placement in police custody of Aminata Diallo as part of the investigation into the assault of her teammate Kheira Hamraoui.

The press conference scheduled for Friday before the clash between Olympique Lyonnais and Paris Saint-Germain has been canceled, as Europe 1 learned on Thursday noon.

The capital club is trying to control the communication around this affair as well as possible, but it does not stop shaking French women's football.

An ex-companion who allegedly ordered the assault

Aminata Diallo, who denies the facts, is still in custody.

She is therefore suspected of having sponsored the assault last Thursday of her comrade Kheira Hamraoui.

A second person is in custody, a 34-year-old man in prison in Lyon for racketeering and acts of torture and barbarism.

He was interviewed by the judicial police.

According to the newspaper


, this individual would be an acquaintance of Aminata Diallo.

He is suspected of having anonymously contacted four Paris Saint-Germain players from his cell, claiming to have had a relationship with Kheira Hamraoui for three years.

A story that would have shattered his life, hence his desire for revenge.

He denies being the author of this violent attack.

According to the


 who confirms information from RMC, another PSG player, Sakina Karchaoui, is also heard by the police.

The footballer was present in the car and was the first to get out, yet against the logic of the journey.

Several stitches for Hamraoui

Last Thursday, a hooded stranger hit Kheira Hamraoui with an iron bar aiming at his legs, which are his working tool.

The 31-year-old suffers from wounds on her hands and legs;

she had several stitches put in.

This case recalls the assault suffered by skater Nancy Kerrigan at the Lillehammer Olympics in 1994. Tonya Harding, helped by her husband and her bodyguard, had orchestrated an iron bar attack on her rival.