Teller Report

Springer boss Mathias Döpfner: "Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely don't think that way"

11/9/2021, 6:54:27 PM

After the fall of the former Bild boss Julian Reichelt, the Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner has come under fire. Some are calling for his resignation as president of newspaper publishers. What does he say?

A WhatsApp message from you ignites widespread criticism.

In it, with a view to the then Bild editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt, you wrote the German press and politics that he was “the last and only journalist in Germany who still bravely rebelled against the new GDR government.

Almost everyone else has become propaganda assistants ”.

From the ranks of the Federal Association of Digital Publishers and Newspaper Publishers (BDZV) there are voices calling for your resignation as President of the Association.

Are you stepping back?

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for features online and "media".

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I think the association has achieved a lot in recent years and has contributed to ensuring that we have one of the most important foundations for digital journalism in the future at European level. But I also believe that the most important thing is still ahead of us. Our main goals for the next few years are: Securing the infrastructure for newspaper delivery. Restrict the expansion of public service broadcasters in the network and especially in regional and local reporting. Enforce fair regulation and taxation of international tech companies. And firmly establish license income as the third pillar of financing journalism alongside sales and advertising revenues. But if a majority of the members findthat I have become a burden for the association through a very unfortunate formulation in a private exchange of views, then of course I will accept that.

On November 24th there is to be a discussion in the BDZV.

How do you assess the situation?

In my opinion, it is important that the association does not just go back to business.

After all, it is a question of principle.

I am currently receiving criticism, but also a lot of support from members and regional associations.

As President, it was important to me that the subject be discussed at the next meeting.

Then we'll see.

You expressed your regret about the Whatsapp message and pointed out that the words were used in a private message and were "part of a confidential dialogue". There is such a thing as an “emotional, provocative, irrational and spontaneous inner workings of a bilateral conversation”. I think that always applies. The question remains: what did you mean by the “new GDR authoritarian state” and “propaganda assistants”? With this you qualify the constitution of our state and politics and that of the press.

Perhaps, for the sake of honesty, we will all look at our statements in private chats. I'm afraid those who do not have superhuman powers will sometimes say things that should not have been said, things that literally are not meant, and possibly even insulting things. I am an emotional person and I admit that I do this in private conversations. I apologized several times and from the bottom of my heart for this formulation. Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely don't think that way. Of course, the Federal Republic cannot be compared with the GDR. Since I wrote my first text in your newspaper, the FAZ, four decades ago, I have been committed to free and independent, critical journalism. What I meant: I would like to see a more critical journalism on the subject.That's the message. That is neither anti-democratic nor contemptuous of journalists. I never wanted to accuse journalists of a general lack of independence.

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