Teller Report

First draft law: traffic light wants free Covid-19

11/8/2021, 12:54:13 PM

In the Corona amendment, there is no mandatory test in nursing homes. In the face of increasing infections, there is a dispute about the end of the corona emergency - also within the Union.

The planned traffic light coalition wants to reintroduce the free Covid-19 tests, but not regulate this via the new Corona legislation.

The amendment also does not provide for mandatory daily tests in nursing homes, for example for visitors, contrary to what has sometimes been reported.

The FAZ learned this from negotiating circles on Monday afternoon.

The newspaper has the draft of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, which is currently with the Executive Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU).

Subsequently, the so-called formulation aid for the amendment of the Infection Protection Act is to be sent to the parliamentary groups and party committees and will come to the Bundestag for a first reading on Thursday.

Christian Geinitz

Business correspondent in Berlin

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The nationwide regulation of compulsory testing in the homes is unnecessary, as the federal states could order it anyway and for the most part have done so, it said.

The reintroduction of the free Covid-19 tests, which were canceled in October for all those who could theoretically be vaccinated, is right and must come.

Presumably, however, this could be achieved by changing the test ordinance, which does not need to involve the Bundestag.

New types of rapid PCR tests in gargle or spit variants are under discussion.

These are considered to be more reliable than antigen tests and would not need to be used as frequently, which could reduce costs.

Infection Protection Act is to be toned down

According to the draft, the Bundestag should not extend the Corona emergency, officially called "epidemic situation of national scope". This expires after November 25th, so that parliament has to find a follow-up arrangement before a new government meets in December. The planned traffic light coalition, which has a majority in the Bundestag, does not want to prolong the emergency, and it wants to soften the Infection Protection Act so that assembly bans, lockdowns with business and company closings and other serious interventions and restrictions are no longer possible. Distance, hygiene or mask rules should still be able to apply, as well as requirements for the submission of vaccination, test or recovery certificates. And nationwide, but regardless of the declaration of emergency.The period of validity is limited until the beginning of spring on March 20th. 

What is also new is that these “less intensive measures” no longer have to be decided by the state parliaments. "This takes better account of the constitutional autonomy of the federal states as well as the need for rapid response options," says the paper. Some special corona rules continue to apply, such as the payment of child sickness benefits, simplified access to minimum income or the Sars-Cov-2 occupational health and safety ordinance.

The managing Ministry of Labor under Hubertus Heil (SPD) has reportedly called for improvements in that part of the use of vaccination data for employees “in certain facilities and companies”. This means social, nursing and medical institutions. According to the draft, employers should be able to “process” the vaccination and serostatus of employees regardless of the emergency in order to prevent the virus from spreading.

The non-extension of the emergency had also stimulated Spahn. But there is resistance to this, including from the Union camp. Still-Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier (CDU) described the plans of the “traffic light” on Twitter as a “serious mistake”. In the current infection situation, the procedure is “the completely wrong signal. It would be a sign of greatness to change that. ”Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on Deutschlandfunk that it was“ completely absurd to proclaim the end of an epidemic situation ”. This suggests that the situation is normal, "the opposite is the case." Söder acknowledged that Spahn also wanted the emergency to end with the sentence: "That was a mistake."

In addition to the return to free tests, the CSU chairman also called for the introduction of free antibody tests to check the need for third-party vaccinations.

Actually, Söder is against compulsory vaccination because it divides the population.

But he also said that there was already an obligation to immunize against measles, which was working well.

As a child he was "vaccinated against pretty much everything" without any discussion.

This practically eradicated polio in Germany, for example.

"I would strongly advise you to talk about it," said Söder about the corona vaccination requirement.

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