Teller Report

Captain Hilda Svensson pushed Småland to a new TV puck final

11/6/2021, 12:42:09 PM

Reigning champion Småland is ready for another final in the TV puck. Team captain Hilda Svensson was behind the equalizer to 1-1 and set the winning goal 2-1 in extra time against Stockholm. - I'm so happy. It's so damn nice, says the 15-year-old after the semi-final win.

Småland are ready for the final against Dalarna after defeating Stockholm 2-1 in Saturday's semifinal in front of 723 spectators in Mariehus Arena.

The capital team took the lead in powerplay 6.27 into the first period when Isabelle Leijonhielm fired the big gun and thundered in 1-0 with a shot behind goalkeeper Maja Helge.

A taste start for Stockholm, but halfway into the second period (of two) Småland showed that they are also sharp in the game form.

With one more player on the ice, team captain Hilda Svensson turned away a defender on the right wing, broke in and went to the finish.

Lia Leiderö Palmlöv saved that shot, but Jenna Raunio made it 1-1.

"Now I'm going to score"

With 1.10 left on the clock, Stockholm incurred an unnecessary expulsion when they had too many players on the ice.

This turned out to be costly when Småland had to start the extra time in game four against three - and decided after only 23 seconds.

The winning goal was similar to the equalizer.

Once again, Hilda Svensson took the initiative and broke in from the right wing, but this time the finish was in goal.

- I just thought "now I will score goals", she says to SVT Sport.

- Before the extension, I thought "now we will go out and finish this quickly".

They were only three people and we were four so I knew we had a lot of ice, a lot more time and space to do things with the puck.

It was just to go in and shoot, she continues.

Rooth: "They deserve the final place"

Hilda Svensson comes from Oskarshamn but now plays for Växjö Lakers.

SVT's expert Maria Rooth says this about the Smålanders, who are thus reigning champions in the tournament:

- They deserve their place in the final.

It is a nice hockey district that has produced many young girls.

Hilda has been with a bunch of years now and is doing really, really well.

Somehow it is logical that she is the one who gets to decide in the long run.

In Sunday's final, Småland will face Dalarna, who defeated Ångermanland 4-2 in their semifinal earlier on Saturday.