Teller Report

UN Security Council calls on parties to conflict in Ethiopia to ceasefire

11/5/2021, 8:53:51 PM

The UN Security Council adopted a statement on the situation in Ethiopia, calling on the parties to the conflict - the federal authorities and various rebel groups - to cease fire and conclude a truce.

"The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern over the expansion and intensification of military clashes in the north of Ethiopia," RIA Novosti quoted the text of the document as quoted by RIA Novosti.

The UN Security Council also called on the parties "to stop hostilities and agree on a lasting ceasefire, as well as create conditions for starting a dialogue in order to resolve the crisis and create a basis for peace and stability throughout the country."

Earlier, the press attaché of the Russian Embassy in Ethiopia, Maria Chernukhina, said that the Russian diplomatic mission recommends that Russians postpone travel to an African country amid the introduction of a state of emergency in it.

According to AFP, the government of Ethiopia decided on November 2 to introduce a state of emergency in the country amid the advance of rebel forces, including from the state of Tigray.

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