Teller Report

Tezanos emphasizes that the CIS surveys are "the most reliable" and that if they do not benefit the PP it is "because they do not win"

10/26/2021, 7:24:28 PM

The president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), José Félix Tezanos, has proclaimed this Wednesday in Congress that the polls of the body he presides ...

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The president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS),

José Félix Tezanos

, has proclaimed this Wednesday in Congress that the polls of the body he presides

"are the most reliable that can be used at this time"

in Spain and that if the PP is not it comes out better standing in them is not because there is a "bias to the left" or because the data is manipulated, but simply because Pablo Casado's party "does not win."

This has been made clear during his intervention in the Congressional Budget Committee, where he has come to be questioned by the deputies about the

item destined for his department in the public accounts for 2022


Tezanos has taken the opportunity to once again defend himself against the criticism that has come to him from the spokesmen of PP, Vox and Ciudadanos who have intervened and to

value the work of the CIS which, he stressed, is "a totally solvent institution "


"It has not lost credibility, much less no matter how much a sector of political opinion tries to say it, which is not scientific," he added.

The 'popular'

José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro

, has blamed the appearing party that the PSOE always comes out "overrated" in their polls, as well as the existence in their barometers of a "bias to the left that is never corrected" and the " continuous changes and ups and downs "in his historical series.

For his part, from Ciudadanos,

Edmundo Bal

, has commented that the Budgets should include an item to "recover the prestige of the CIS" and has accused Tezanos of trying to "direct the intention to vote" in their barometers.

Tezanos has denied all these statements,

stressing that the CIS has not made any methodological changes

, but has limited itself to increasing the sample of its surveys to improve their quality because, the more interviewees, the less margin of error it has and the more representative is the study.


In addition, he has commented that the percentage of people who refuse to answer in the barometers claiming that they do not have "political confidence" in the CIS ranges between 0.4 and 0.6%.

"It seems little," he admitted, but to point out below that the matter must be "calibrated" because it may have an impact on the data on voting intention.

In order to study the effects of this situation,

the CIS has carried out this year and plans to carry out the following four "shadow surveys" or "mirror studies"

which, on this occasion, have been commissioned from Sigma Dos after the corresponding competition.

As he recalled, this private company interviewed the same number of people per day as CIS, with the same random system, and obtained data "exactly the same" as the public body.

"The variations were below the theoretical margin of error,"

emphasized Tezanos, underlining that this shows that "there is no bias or methodological error" and that the CIS surveys are the "most reliable surveys that can be used at this time." .

Tezanos has said he understands that the PP is "bothered" by the results that it calculates in CIS in its barometers but has stressed that this has nothing to do with him.

"It is not due to the evil or to the manipulation of a perverse professor of Sociology like me, it is that they do not win," he

has sentenced, censoring the "information intoxication process" that blames the PP with this issue.

Likewise, it

has been asked "what advantage can it have" for the PSOE to be ahead in the barometers

when it is demonstrated that this causes a demobilizing effect on its voters, who already take their victory for granted, and mobilizing on their detractors who might not go to vote, but in the end they go to prevent him from winning.


In any case, Tezanos has admitted that

the CIS "can be wrong" and has asked the opposition parties not to "do bad blood"

with the polls because they are only the momentary reflection of a "changing reality."

Tezanos has also responded to the deputy of Vox

Carlos Zambrano

, who has recalled that he has already requested the resignation of the president of the demoscopic institute on several occasions, and has asked him to account for the increase in the CIS Budget, asking him if it has to do with any eventual advance electoral.

After the Justice has filed the complaint for embezzlement that Vox presented against him, the socialist sociologist has highlighted that, in the face of this attempt to put him "in jail" he has received a number of letters from

fellow professors attesting that the CIS "nor makes changes "or commits" irregularities


"His is a futile attempt," he said to Vox.

Regarding the increase in his budget for 2022, he has indicated that

95.3% of this increase will be used to improve the salary of the pollsters

who work for the CIS.

At this point, he explained that before the more than 300 interviewers he had were 'permanent discontinuous', that is, they had a sporadic employment relationship with the CIS, but that

now, through Tragsatec, 135 people have been hired

who since September they have received a "minimally decent" salary.

In addition,

the amount of CIS scholarships has been increased


The scholarship holders, he said, are going to receive 3% more this year and the same percentage will rise in the following year until they reach 1,200 euros "and peak" per month.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • CIS

  • PP

  • Vox

  • Jose Felix Tezanos

  • PSOE

  • Citizens

  • Ignacio Garriga

  • Edmundo bal

  • Pablo Casado

  • Spain

  • CIS survey

Politics The PP grows, approaches the PSOE and moves away from Vox after its national convention, according to the CIS of Tezanos

Justice The judge summons the president of the CIS, José Félix Tezanos, to testify as accused for alleged embezzlement

SpainVox accuses Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Casado of "governing together so that nothing changes" and Ciudadanos of "dividing up the State"

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