Teller Report

Putin: Russia is considering removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist groups

10/21/2021, 6:46:28 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that his country is moving towards removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist groups, a day after high-level talks between Moscow and the movement.

Putin: Russia is considering removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist groups

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that his country is moving towards removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist groups, a day after high-level talks between Moscow and the movement.

Russia described the Taliban in 2003 as a "terrorist organization", but it received representatives of the movement in talks in Moscow several times before it seized power in Afghanistan in August.

This week, Russia called for the mobilization of international aid to support Afghanistan.

On the other hand, Putin said that his US counterpart Joe Biden was right to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, in a move that allowed the Taliban to seize power in a lightning attack.

Russia is among many powers that support the idea of ​​holding a United Nations conference to help Afghanistan avoid economic collapse and a humanitarian catastrophe.

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