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"The domination of the West is giving way to a more diverse system": what Putin spoke about at a meeting of the Valdai Club

10/21/2021, 8:21:30 PM

During a meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, Vladimir Putin said that the world is in a crisis of civilization. The President also noted that the existing model of capitalism has exhausted itself. In addition, he spoke about the Western approach to values, which are often "on the brink of a crime against humanity." Speaking about Russia, the Russian leader noted that the country will develop in accordance with the principles of reasonable conservatism.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club, said that the world is facing a civilizational crisis.

“The crisis we are dealing with is conceptual, even civilizational.

In fact, this is a crisis of approaches, principles that determine the very existence of man on earth, and we still have to seriously rethink them, ”he stressed.

According to the President, today humanity is faced with simultaneous systemic changes in all directions.

“We seem to have to adapt to constant changeability, unpredictability, to constant transit, but this also did not happen,” Putin said.

He added that "the transformation we are witnessing and participating in is of a different caliber than those that have happened more than once in the history of mankind."

“This is not just a shift in the balance of power or a scientific and technological breakthrough, although both are now, of course, also taking place,” the president said.

Putin also spoke about the current model of capitalism.

According to the Russian leader, by now it has exhausted itself.

“Everyone says that the existing model of capitalism - and this is today the basis of social structure in the overwhelming majority of countries - has exhausted itself, within its framework there is no longer a way out of the tangle of increasingly tangled contradictions,” Putin said.

He added that “everywhere, even in the richest countries and regions, unequal distribution of wealth leads to worsening inequality,” in particular, inequality of opportunity.

In addition, according to the president, Western countries are more and more inferior to other states in terms of domination in world affairs.

“The changed balance of power presupposes a redistribution of shares in favor of those growing and developing countries that still felt left out.

To put it bluntly, the domination of the West in world affairs, which began several centuries ago and became almost absolute for a short period at the end of the 20th century, is giving way to a much more diverse system, ”the president said.

Pandemic COVID-19

The President also spoke about the situation with the spread of COVID-19 in the world.

Putin recalled that Russia calls on other states to work together to combat the pandemic.

“Russia has repeatedly called, and now I will repeat this call once again, to drop inappropriate ambitions and work together, together,” the Russian leader said.

He noted that the pandemic has become "another reminder of how fragile our community is, how vulnerable it is, and the most important task is to ensure a safe human existence."

“The coronavirus pandemic, which theoretically was supposed to rally people in the fight against such a large-scale common threat, has become not a unifying, but a separating factor,” the president said.

At the same time, he added that they began to look for a solution to this problem in "usual schemes", which, according to the president, often work to worsen the situation.

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About the values ​​of the West

During his speech, the president said that the discussion about the rights of men and women in a number of Western countries has turned into "a complete phantasmagoria."

“The adherents of new approaches go so far that they even want to abolish these concepts themselves.

Those who risk saying that men and women still exist and this is a biological fact are almost ostracized. "

According to him, in the West, within the framework of such a policy, they come up with such concepts as "parent number 1" and "parent number 2", "giving birth to a parent" and so on.

“The ban on the use of the phrase“ breast milk ”and its replacement for“ human milk ”so that people who are not sure of their own gender are not upset ... Not to mention the simply monstrous things when children today are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl - and vice versa.

In fact, they impose on them the choices they allegedly have.

They impose, removing parents from this, ”Putin said.

As the president noted, this is "on the brink of a crime against humanity."

He also said that in the West the struggle for equality and against discrimination "is turning into aggressive dogmatism on the verge of absurdity."

“The classics are declared backward, not understanding the importance of gender or race.

In Hollywood, they issue instructions on how and what to make a movie about, how many characters of what color or gender there should be.

It turns out worse than the department of agitation and propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPSU, ”the president said.

At the same time, Putin stressed that countering manifestations of racism is a necessary and noble cause, but in the “culture of abolition” it is being modified.

“It turns into reverse discrimination, racism vice versa.

The obsessive emphasis on the racial theme further divides people, ”stated Putin.

Reasonable conservatism

Speaking about Russia, the President noted that the country, while shaping its approaches, will be guided by the principles of reasonable conservatism.

“I have already said that in shaping our approaches, we will be guided by the ideology of healthy conservatism.

It was several years ago, then the passions in the international arena had not yet reached their current intensity, although, of course, we can say that the clouds were already thickening then, ”Putin said.

The President stressed that "now, when the world is experiencing a structural breakdown, the importance of reasonable conservatism as the basis of a political course has increased many times."

At the same time, the Russian leader added that the conservative approach is "not a thoughtless guardianship, not a fear of change and not a game of retention, much less being locked in one's own shell."

The President specified that reasonable conservatism is "reliance on a time-tested tradition, the preservation and growth of the population, realism in assessing oneself and others, and the precise alignment of a system of priorities."

On the situation with RT in the USA and Germany

During his speech, Putin spoke about the situation with the status of the foreign agent of the RT TV channel in the United States, as well as the removal of YouTube without the right to restore two German RT channels - RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (DFP).

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The president answered the question of RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan about the possibility of introducing retaliatory measures to these steps. 

“You should give more information that you are banned.

And interest in you will grow, ”Putin said addressing Simonyan.

The Russian leader stressed that he is not against retaliatory measures, but it is important that they are not counterproductive.

“As for the response measures: after all, I think you need to be careful.

If someone somewhere makes mistakes of this kind ... And I think that this is a mistake in relation to you, when (it happens -


) closing, in fact, the channel or creating conditions under which it is almost impossible to work ", - Putin said.

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