Teller Report

Wowereit to Berlin's administration: "Worse positioned than any Kreissparkasse"

10/20/2021, 6:21:30 AM

Election breakdowns, grievances at BER Airport - the former Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit has harshly criticized the administration of the capital. There is a "collective irresponsibility".

Berlin's former Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit (SPD) took his city to court after the recent election mishaps and the grievances at BER Airport.

“There is such a thing as collective irresponsibility in Berlin,” he said on Tuesday in the RBB's “Wieprecht” program.

The administration of the capital is "now in a worse position than any district savings bank".

This is not due to the staff, but to the structures of the administration, explained Wowereit.

The twelve districts would have too much power, especially vis-à-vis the Senate.

Far-reaching changes in the administrative structures are therefore necessary, he said.

"There really has to be a revolution," he said.

"To keep adding new money, to hire more staff, but not to change the structures, that is a waste of money."

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