Teller Report

Vilfand reported warming up to +15 ° С in the Moscow region on October 21

10/20/2021, 9:33:39 PM

The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that temperatures up to + 15 ° C are expected in the Moscow region on Thursday, October 21, due to the arrival of a cyclone of "Mediterranean origin".

“During the day +13 ... + 14 ° С.

By the way, on Friday even up to +15 ° С in the Moscow region, on Friday night - +9 ... 11 ° С, this is about 8 ... 9 ° С higher than the long-term values, "TASS quoted him as saying.

Wilfand clarified that the warming is due to the Mediterranean cyclone, which carries warm air from the south and on the periphery of which Moscow will be located.

Earlier forecasters said that by the end of the week in the Kurgan region, snow and increased wind are not excluded.

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