Teller Report

[Pick] 60-somethings throwing 8kg dumbbells and chairs on the roof of the apartment... 1st trial probation

10/14/2021, 8:34:38 AM

A man in his 60s accused of dropping an 8kg dumbbell down on the roof of an apartment building after implying that he would make an extreme choice was sentenced to probation in the first trial.

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A man in his 60s accused of dropping an 8kg dumbbell down on the roof of an apartment building after implying that he would make an extreme choice was sentenced to probation in the first trial. 

The 5th single criminal division of the Seoul Northern District Court (Chief Judge Hong Soon-wook) sentenced a man in his 60s charged with attempted special injury to 8 months in prison and 2 years of probation today (14th).

The court also ordered two years of probation and special rules to ban alcohol over a certain period.

A is accused of throwing 2 2 kg dumbbells, 1 8 kg dumbbell, and 1 folding iron chair down after reporting to the police on July 6th, "I am on the 15th floor of the apartment to die." 

As for the reason for throwing an object during the police investigation earlier, Mr. A is said to have stated, "I just wanted to throw it for no reason."

There were no casualties from the thrown object, but it was confirmed that a part of the railing on the terrace of a nearby store was damaged.

The court said, "The defendant was pessimistic about the situation and committed the crime in a state of bipolar affective disorder." "The form of the crime was very dangerous."

However, he explained the reason for the sentencing, saying, "I have taken into account the situation in which I am reflecting on my mistake and vow not to commit the offense again."

This is a 'news pick'.    

(Photo = Yonhap News)      

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