Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry reported on the inventory of problematic issues with the United States

10/13/2021, 8:46:02 PM

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said on the air of the Zvezda TV channel that during the visit of US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to Moscow, an inventory of problematic issues in relations between the two countries had taken place.

Zakharova noted that "no one expected that some enchanting event would happen."

The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman explained that Nuland "does not have the authority to resolve all issues at once."

"At the same time, an inventory of problematic issues took place, without the solution of which, movement forward is, in principle, impossible," RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

Zakharova also said that there are "some progress" on a number of issues. 

Earlier it was reported that Nuland, after the completion of negotiations, left the administration of the President of Russia.

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