Teller Report

Red Cross, 'salary is bad' without even knowing that the employee is going to jail

10/13/2021, 2:10:03 AM

It was revealed that the Korean Red Cross paid about 77.3 million won in wages for a year and two months after the Korean Red Cross was belatedly aware of the court arrest of an employee who concealed the charges of fraud.

It was revealed that the Korean Red Cross paid about 77.3 million won in wages for a year and two months after the Korean Red Cross was belatedly aware of the court arrest of an employee who concealed the charges of fraud.

According to the Red Cross's internal employee management guidelines, an employee charged with a criminal case should be immediately released from his post, but he did not understand the situation until he was arrested in court.

According to the 'disciplinary resolution' submitted by the Red Cross by Mi-ae Kim, a member of the National Assembly's Health and Welfare Committee, on the 12th, the Red Cross did not find out that employee A was charged with fraud in December 2018, and it took a year and two months. It was confirmed that the position was canceled only in February 2020.

Person A was prosecuted by the prosecution in December 2018 for obtaining tens of millions of won in unfair profits by receiving false treatment and receiving settlement money under the pretext of a light traffic accident.

After that, on January 30, 2020, Mr. A was sentenced to one year in prison for fraud at the Ulsan District Court and transferred to the detention center.

Mr. A did not contact the office after being sentenced to imprisonment.

On January 31, the day after Mr. A was sentenced to imprisonment, Mr. A's spouse inquired to the Red Cross about whether he could apply for sick leave saying, 'My husband is unable to go to work due to a sore throat.'

When this request was not accepted, A's spouse applied for A's parental leave on February 3rd.

However, when the head of the Red Cross general affairs team pressured him to report him to the police if he could not meet Mr. A, the spouse of Mr. A confessed that Mr. A was in prison.

Person A used public and annual leave a total of 6 times to appear in court until the sentence was sentenced.

It was found that there were cases where they left their workplace without permission and appeared in court.

However, the Red Cross was completely unaware of this situation.

During this period, a total of over 77.3 million won was paid to Mr. A, including a bonus of 27 million won and annual compensation of 6.3 million won.

The Red Cross said, "Since the (indictment) is personal information, there is no way to find out unless the individual notifies (the Red Cross)." paid,” he explained.

"I don't think it's a problem that wages were paid normally during the indicted period," he said.

In this regard, Rep. Kim Mi-ae pointed out, "I do not understand that the Red Cross did not know about this fact. I did.

This is a 'news pick'. 

(Photo = Korean Red Cross Twitter capture)    

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