Teller Report

You tell me the news ! - Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Julien Derouault, a life for dance

10/12/2021, 3:28:50 PM

Dancer Marie-Claude Pietragalla is celebrating her 40th birthday on stage this year. On this occasion, she unveils at the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Paris, her new creation Pietragalla, la femme qui danse, im…

Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Julien Derouault, a life for dance

The choreographer and dancer Marie-Claude Piétragalla presents with Julien Derouault their creation "Pietragalla, la femme qui danse".

© Pascal Elliott

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

1 min

Dancer Marie-Claude Pietragalla is celebrating her 40th birthday on stage this year.

On this occasion, she unveils at the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Paris, her new creation

Pietragalla, the woman who dances

, imagined with the choreographer Julien Derouault.


A few rare accessories, a dance studio bar, a small chair, a luminous globe that descends from the hangers, a white carpet that is unrolled ... And on stage, a woman.

A dancing woman.

One star: Marie-Claude Pietragalla.

For 40 years, she has shared her sensitivity with the spectators through romantic characters, 40 years that she creates combinations of movements, 40 years that she devotes her life to the "Theater of the Body", and which inspired the name to her. of the company she created with the dancer and choreographer Julien Derouault, a few years after leaving the Paris Opera where she was a principal dancer.

Together, they have created many shows, including today's one.

A total show, which mixes body and words, voice and movement, sound and lights.

A creation that shares with the public its relationship to its art.

Marie-Claude Pietragalla


Julien Derouault

sign the choreography, staging and unpublished texts show

Pietragalla, the woman dancing

, cheering in the theater of the Madeleine in Paris until November 6.


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