Teller Report

Historical second: "No strangeness anymore"

10/11/2021, 3:56:30 PM

Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, 28, continues to break new ground in motorsport. This weekend, she became historic as the first woman to finish in a medal place in the STCC championship when she finished second overall. - It is great for myself to be historical and to be able to show girls that there is no difference between being a woman or a man in motorsport, she says to SVT Sport.

Historically, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky has become.

In 2018, she became the first woman to win an STCC race when she won at Gelleråsen.

The development has progressed since then and this year she has had something she has not had before: a better continuity.

Something that led to a second place in the STCC championship.

- I rank this as the biggest in my career.

2018 when I won a race as the first woman it was huge and I was very happy, but that season there was a lot of roller coaster in the results.

This continuity I have had this year has been the most stable I have ever had.

So far it is the biggest, then my dream and my goal is to win STCC in total, she says.

"Closer than before"

There is no doubt that she is close to the overall victory.

There is a solid foundation to stand on and now it is a matter of getting the remaining small pieces to fall into place.

- Whether it will be next year or in a few years, you do not know.

There is a lot to fall into place.

But I'm clearly much closer now than I've ever been.

You are historically the first woman to finish in the top three in STCC, how does it feel?

- Honestly, I did not even first think that it is historical.

It's nice where we have come now, motorsport is one of the few sports where women and men compete against each other and it feels like we are in a place where there are no strange things that I as a woman am at the top, win races and is on the podium in the championship.

Experiencing greater interest

During her career, she feels that there has been a greater interest in racing among young girls.

- Like most recently at Knutstorp, it's a lot of fun with the audience.

There are many young people who come forward, many girls who want autographs and talk and keep a close eye on who you are, she says.

Being a role model and inspiring young people is important to Åhlin-Kottulinsky.

And she seems to have at least inspired a young girl to want to pursue a career in motorsport.

- There was a girl who shouted "dad, dad, I want to be a racing driver when I grow up".

It's great to hear such things.

ARCHIVE: Dahlgren secured title in the penultimate competition (3 Oct 2021)

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Dahlgren secured the title in the penultimate competition