Teller Report

The continued decline of a variety of endangered wild animals in China has basically reversed and recovered

10/8/2021, 9:34:43 PM

China News Service, Beijing, October 8 (Reporter Ruan Yulin) Li Chunliang, deputy director of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 8th that through the implementation of critically endangered wildlife protection, severe crackdown on illegal trade, etc. As a result, the continuous decline of Chines

  China News Service, Beijing, October 8 (Reporter Ruan Yulin) Li Chunliang, deputy director of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 8th that through the implementation of critically endangered wildlife protection, severe crackdown on illegal trade, etc. As a result, the continuous decline of Chinese giant pandas, crested ibis, Asian elephants, Tibetan antelopes and other endangered wild animals has been basically reversed and recovered.

  The State Council Information Office released a white paper "China's Biodiversity Conservation" in Beijing on the 8th, stating that China has implemented an endangered species rescue project to rescue some rare and endangered wild animals, expand their populations through artificial breeding, and finally achieve natural release.

The number of artificially bred giant pandas has shown rapid and high-quality growth, and the threat level of giant pandas has been reduced from "endangered" to "vulnerable", and they have been released into the wild and successfully integrated into the wild population.

The elk that once disappeared in the wild have established three protected populations in Nanhaizi in Beijing, Dafeng in Jiangsu, and Shishou in Hubei, and the total number has exceeded 8,000.

  Li Chunliang said that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attach great importance to the protection of wild animals. By implementing the protection of critically endangered wild animals, they will ensure that species are not extinct, promote the advancement of artificial breeding technology, and realize the release of multiple species in the wild and the restoration and reconstruction of wild populations.

At the same time, the preliminary establishment and improvement of the wild animal epidemic source disease monitoring and control system to effectively prevent and control the spread of the epidemic.

  "China has become an important force in global ecological protection. In particular, China has stopped trading activities such as tigers, rhinos and their products, and ivory business and utilization, and properly handled Asian elephants moving north, fully demonstrating China's good image as a responsible power." Chunliang said that through these measures, the continued decline of endangered wild animals such as giant pandas, crested ibis, Asian elephants, and Tibetan antelopes has been basically reversed and recovered.

  Li Chunliang said that in the next step, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration will earnestly implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, orderly rescue and protect rare and endangered wild animals, improve the biodiversity protection system, strict import and export management and law enforcement, and strengthen epidemic disease. Monitor early warning and prevention and control, strengthen the control of alien species, take active guidance and control measures, scientifically handle conflicts between humans and wild animals, maintain biodiversity and biological safety, and continue to create new situations in wildlife protection, and achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and wild animals.
